

Paddy Rice Maps South Korea (2017~2021)

Binary paddy rice classification from 2017 to 2021 generated by recurrent U-net deep-leaning model. As a result of prediction, it does NOT represent ground truth information, but can be used as a pseudo labeling. (Download)

There are available:

Covering the entire South Korea except Ulleung-gun at the East Sea where no paddy rice exists

<img src="/images/example.jpg" width=70%>

Model Used & Validataion

No.StartEndCompositePhenological stage
110 May30 MayMinimumPlanting
21 June20 JuneMinimumPlanting
321 June10 JulyMeanTillering
411 July30 JulyMeanTillering
51 Aug20 AugMaximumBooting
621 Aug10 SepMaximumBooting
711 Sep31 SepMeanRipening
81 Oct20 OctMeanRipening
<img src="/images/architecture.png" width=50%>

The above learning material can be downloaded in h5 format (Dataset) (Model) <br/> The dataset is separated into training/valdation data, image/labeling, and part number which can be accessed by key: {tr/va}_{im/lb}_{0~4}<br/> <Python example><br/> <img src="/images/python_example.PNG" width=30%>

<img src="/images/train_validation.jpg" width=50%>


If you use this dataset, please cite the DOI below 10.5281/zenodo.5845896 (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5845896)


This work was supported by International Research and Development Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT under Grant (2021K1A3A1A78097879) and supported by the European Commission under Contract H2020- CALLISTO1 ( 101004152) by Korea University, South Korea.

Researchers: Hyun-Woo Jo (endeavor4a1@gmail.com), Woo-Kyun Lee (leewk@korea.ac.kr)


  1. CALLISTO - Copernicus Artificial Intelligence Services and data fusion with other distributed data sources and processing at the edge to support DIAS and HPC infrastructures (101004152)