


An IDA plugin that allows you call IDA python APIs from remote.

1. How to use

  1. Install rpyc:

    $ pip install rpyc
  2. Copy the script ida-rpyc.py to <IDA install directory>\plugins.

  3. Open IDA. Select Edit -> Plugins -> IDA-RPyC. A window would pop up:

    <img src="assets/pic0.png" width="400"/>
  4. You can choose direct or SSL mode. Once parameters are set, you can click Start to start an RPyC server.

  5. Now, at remote side, you can call IDA python APIs like this:

    import rpyc
    conn = rpyc.connect('localhost', 54444, service = rpyc.MasterService)
    current_ea = conn.modules.idc.here()
    some_bytes = comm.modules.idaapi.get_bytes(current_ea, 4)
    print('0x{:x}: {}'.format(current_ea, some_bytes))

2. Useful tips

If you are writing an IDA script at remote side with the help of IDEs such as PyCharm, you may find that conn.modules.idaapi. doesn't trigger code autocomplete.

A solution for this would be using typing.TYPE_CHECKING:

import typing

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    import idc, idaapi
    import rpyc

    conn = rpyc.connect('localhost', 54444, service = rpyc.MasterService)

    idc = conn.modules.idc
    idaapi = conn.modules.idaapi

When you are writing the script, only import idc, idaapi is visible to IDE's type checking system. So the system will collect information about classes, variables, functions and so on from the corresponding modules. Therefore, code autocomplete will come back working.

When you are running the script, such idc, idaapi modules won't be imported and will be redirected to the modules at IDA-RPyC server you connected. You need not do any further modification to your script and it will still work as you expected.

3. Screen recoding
