<div align = right><sub>// design by t2</sub></div>
<div align = center> <img src=""> <br><br></div><br>[!IMPORTANT] These are not standalone themes, needs HyDE installed...
HyDE Themes
<br><table><tr><td><div align="center">
</td></tr></table></div><br>These are the base themes used in HyDE by default, use themepatcher to install a specific theme from one of the branch.
# "<Theme Name>" "<git branch url>"
./ "Catppuccin Mocha" ""
<br><div align="right"> <br> <a href="#-design-by-t2"><kbd> <br> 🡅 <br> </kbd></a> </div>[!TIP] To create your own custom theme, please refer theming wiki. You can also install/browse/create/maintain/share additional themes using themepatcher. For more details please refer themepatcher wiki.
<div align = right>// Catppuccin Mocha</div>
<div align = right>// Catppuccin Latte</div>
<div align = right>// Decay Green</div>
<div align = right>// Rosé Pine</div>
<div align = right>// Tokyo Night</div>
<div align = right>// Material Sakura</div>
<div align = right>// Graphite Mono</div>
<div align = right>// Cyberpunk Edge</div>
<div align = right>// Frosted Glass by T-crypt</div>
<div align = right>// Gruvbox Retro by T-crypt</div>
</td></table> <div align="right"> <br> <a href="#-design-by-t2"><kbd> <br> 🡅 <br> </kbd></a> </div>