

<h1 align="center"> Made with create-react-library </h1>

This repo is the showcase website for create-react-library.

Adding a library

To add your own library to the project;

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create a page under content. For example, package-name.mdx
  3. Use the library template as a base
  4. Enter (as a minimum) title, description, github
  5. Push changes to your forked repo
  6. Open a PR

The library information will be reviewed and then merged in.

Please only add one library per PR.

Improving the site

The website is built using Gatsby and Tailwind.

  1. Fork the project
  2. Ensure you're using a node version >= 10.16.3
  3. yarn - install all dependencies
  4. Make your changes
  5. Push changes to your forked repo
  6. Open a PR
  7. Be descriptive over the changes

The changes will be reviewed and then merged in.

Please do not include library changes or add libraries as part of an improvement