

NOTE: This list is now deprecated and unmaintained since Mozilla has officially turned evil

Hilariously, incompetently evil at that.


A curated list of resources for and about Mozilla Firefox - a bloated but versatile popular modern browser with nice user interface. Unfortunately, after Firefox 42 Mozilla has instituted unwelcome changes in how addons work entering the already familiar territory of "walled gardens". Please see the forks chapter to review your alternatives.

Hardening your Firefox

PSA: Mozilla is covertly feeding customer data to Google Analytics. https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/issues/2784

Important security warning - Mozilla has systematic deficiencies in vulnerability handling and responsible disclosure. See: https://lwn.net/Articles/656683 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12754199 https://github.com/mozilla/addons-linter/issues/1000#issuecomment-255089138

A note on add-ons published by Mozilla: the review times are spiking.

Making workflow comfortable

Restyling well-known sites

Recovering passwords

While you shouldn't keep passwords in Firefox sometimes you have to:

Firefox clones/forks

Mozilla is entering into partnerships with commercial entities (like Telefonica) and considering radically changing the API which may kill the browser and its ecosystem. This necessitates starting an early search for respectable substitutes.

The easiest way to get a modern and performant browser, though, is switching to an 'unstable' Chromium. Although it still requires some customization, it supports uBlock Origin/uMatrix.

Where to look for other awesome lists

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