

CAFE+: Towards Compact, Adaptive, and Fast Embedding for Large-scale Online Recommendation Models

This repository contains all related code of our papers "CAFE+: Towards Compact, Adaptive, and Fast Embedding for Large-scale Online Recommendation Models" (under submission), and "CAFE: Towards Compact, Adaptive, and Fast Embedding for Large-scale Recommendation Models" (SIGMOD 2024).


Our implementation builds upon DLRM repo: https://github.com/facebookresearch/dlrm

  1. The code supports interface with the Criteo Kaggle Display Advertising Challenge Dataset.

    • The model can be trained using the following script

      • Convert the value of the numerical feature to log(x+1).
      • Ensure that the feature count for each field is independent.
      • Set the parameters cat_path, dense_path, label_path and count_path in the script.
  2. The code supports interface with the Criteo Terabyte Dataset.

    • Please do the following to prepare the dataset for use with this code:

      • Convert the value of the numerical feature to log(x+1).
      • Ensure that the feature count for each field is independent.
      • Set the parameters cat_path, dense_path, label_path and count_path in the script.
    • The model can be trained using the following script

  3. The code also supports another two datasets Avazu and KDD12.

    • Please do the following to prepare the dataset for use with this code:

      • Ensure that the feature count for each field is independent.
      • Set the parameters cat_path, dense_path, label_path and count_path in the script.
    • The model can be trained using the following script

  4. The code provides three models to train the dataset:

    • dlrm:

    • wdl:

    • dcn:

  5. The code provides six methods for generating embedding layers:

    • Full embedding with the following script

    • Hash embedding with the following script

      ./bench/criteo_terabyte.sh "--hash-flag --compress-rate=0.001"
    • CAFE with the following script

      ./bench/criteo_terabyte.sh "--sketch-flag --compress-rate=0.001 --hash-rate=0.3 --sketch-threshold=1 --adjust-threshold=1 --sketch-alpha=1.0000005"
    • QR embedding with the following script

      ./bench/criteo_terabyte.sh "--qr-flag --qr-collisions=10"
    • Ada embedding with the following script

      ./bench/criteo_terabyte.sh "--ada-flag --compress-rate=0.1"
    • MD embedding with the following script

      ./bench/criteo_terabyte.sh "--md-flag --compress-rate=0.1"

Guidance for Adjustment of CAFE Parameters


If you find this work useful, welcome to cite our papers!