

M5 8Encoder

This is a MicroPython library for the M5 8-Encoder.



from machine import Pin, SoftI2C
from m5_8encoder import M5_8Encoder

i2c = SoftI2C(sda=Pin(SDA_PIN_NUM), scl=Pin(SCL_PIN_NUM), freq=100000)
encoder = M5_8Encoder(i2c)

See the examples folder for a basic example of how to utilise the M5_8Encoder object, and see m5_8encoder.py for the class definition and all of the available methods. You will need to ensure you're setting SDA and SCL pin numbers correctly, and note that the examples here use the SoftI2C module but you could also use I2C (hardware I2C instead of software I2C) depending on your port / board.