


an experimental in-memory database server with the key-value data model.

kvstore in action


This project is not yet targeted for production use. This project is currently marked as experimental and for educational purposes only.

Want to expand this project? open up an issue or you can contact me on juandotulung@gmail.com


You can install the binaries in the releases tab.

Using docker

❯ docker run --name kvstore -d -p 7275:7275 hotpotatoc123/kvstore-server:latest

Running with go

# This will install the latest versions of the 2 commands 'kvstore-server' and 'kvstore-cli'
❯ GO111MODULE=on go get -u github.com/HotPotatoC/kvstore


❯ git clone https://github.com/HotPotatoC/kvstore.git

❯ cd kvstore

❯ make install # Installs 2 commands 'kvstore-server' and 'kvstore-cli'

Getting started

Running the kvstore server using the kvstore-server command

❯ kvstore-server

2021-04-15T17:08:10.177+0700    KVStore is starting...
2021-04-15T17:08:10.177+0700    version=v1.0.0 build=6ccb99fc20a525ceb8ca384bd2b3967337661874 pid=22183
2021-04-15T17:08:10.177+0700    starting tcp server...

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 .╜"-. | |    |    "-.|,^         Started kvstore v1.0.0 server
 |  ^¬ " ╜    |     ,               Port: 7275
 |     | m""-.| ,─".X .             PID: 22183
 |     | |  ^¬  ⌐'.⌐"   "─
  " ─. | |    | ╡╜        .╜|
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          " ─.| |     |     |
                ╙.    |    ⌐*

2021-04-15T17:08:10.178+0700    Ready to accept connections.

To interact with the server, on another terminal run the kvstore-cli command

❯ kvstore-cli

🚀 Connected to kvstore v1.0.0:6ccb99fc20a525ceb8ca384bd2b3967337661874 server!> info
  "version": "v1.0.0",
  "build": "6ccb99fc20a525ceb8ca384bd2b3967337661874",
  "os": "linux",
  "os_arch": "amd64",
  "go_version": "go1.16.3",
  "process_id": 1,
  "tcp_host": "",
  "tcp_port": 7275,
  "server_uptime": 112609159300,
  "server_uptime_human": "1m52.6091594s",
  "connected_clients": 1,
  "total_connections_count": 1,
  "memory_usage": 455056,
  "memory_usage_human": "444.4 kB",
  "memory_total_alloc": 455056

Command Table

Command (Case insensitive)Description
SET [key] [value]Insert a new entry into the database
SETEX [key] [value] [seconds]Insert a new expirable entry into the database
GET [key]Return the data in the database with the matching key
DEL [key]Remove an entry in the database with the matching key
KEYSDisplay all the saved keys in the database
FLUSHALLDelete all keys
INFODisplay the current stats of the server (OS, mem usage, total connections, etc.) in json format
PINGPings the server


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.




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