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Home Assistant support for Miele@home connected appliances


This project exposes Miele state information of appliances connected to a Miele user account. This is achieved by communicating with the Miele Cloud Service, which exposes both applicances connected to a Miele@home Gateway XGW3000, as well as those devices connected via WiFi Con@ct.


HACS Install

We are now included in the default Repo of HACS. This is the recomanded way to install this integration.

    client_id: <your Miele ClientID>
    client_secret: <your Miele ClientSecret>
    lang: <optional. en=english, de=german>
    cache_path: <optional. where to store the cached access token>

Done. If you follow all the instructions, the Miele integration should be up and running. All Miele devices that you can see in your Mobile application should now be also visible in Home Assistant (miele.*). In addition, there will be a number of binary_sensors and sensors that can be used for automation.

Manual Installation of the custom component

- miele
    - __init__.py
    - miele_at_home.py
    - binary_sensor.py
    - light.py
    - sensor.py
    client_id: <your Miele ClientID>
    client_secret: <your Miele ClientSecret>
    lang: <optional. en=english, de=german>
    cache_path: <optional. where to store the cached access token>
    interval: <optional. the interval between miele polling updates>

Done. If you follow all the instructions, the Miele integration should be up and running. All Miele devices that you can see in your Mobile application should now be also visible in Home Assistant (miele.*). In addition, there will be a number of binary_sensors and sensors that can be used for automation.


Please see the Miele@home, miele@mobile component discussion thread on the Home Assistant community site.