

📦 box2cpp

C++ bindings for box2d 3.x physics engine (aka box2c)

And some extras:

Hello world

#include <box2cpp/box2cpp.h>

int main()
    b2::World w(b2::World::Params{});

    b2::Body::Params bp;
    bp.type = b2_dynamicBody;

    b2::Body b = w.CreateBody(b2::OwningHandle, bp);

        b2Circle{.center = b2Vec2(), .radius = 3}

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        w.Step(1/60.f, 4);
        std::cout << b.GetPosition().y << "\n";

    // No cleanup needed, everything is destroyed automatically.


Must use C++20 or newer.

Install box2d 3.x as usual, our header includes their.

Clone and add include/ to the header search path. Include <box2cpp.h>. The library is header-only.

Note on branches:<br/> Box2cpp's master branch corresponds to box2d's main branch (open an issue if it gets outdated).<br/> If you instead use box2d's release (e.g. v3.0.0), use the respective box2cpp's branch (e.g. box2d-3.0.0).

<details><summary>Regenerating the header</summary>

If the header is outdated, you can regenerate it yourself. (See comment at the beginning of header for underlying box2d version.)

Prerequisites: git, GNU make, sed, perl, gawk (GNU awk). On Windows, install that from MSYS2 and run inside MSYS2 terminal (or use WSL).

Run make. It will clone box2d to ./box2d (or do nothing if already exists; make sure to advance it to the latest commit manually if needed), and will regenerate include/box2cpp.h. The comments at the beginning of Makefile have instructions for running tests, if you want to.


How it works


You might have noticed from the example that all .Create...(...) functions accept an extra parameter at the beginning, either b2::OwningHandle or b2::DestroyWithParent.

All our classes behave similarly. (E.g. there is b2::Shape and b2::ShapeRef for shapes, etc.)

All classes are default-constructible, and are null by default. They are convertible to bool, use that to check for null. There is also .IsValid() that validates the handle through box2d, but it shouldn't be very useful outside of debug assertions.

b2::Body is convertible to b2::BodyRef and b2::BodyConstRef. b2::BodyRef is convertible to b2::BodyConstRef. (And so on.)

Joint classes are a bit special, as they inherit from a common base (e.g. b2::WeldJoint inherits from b2::Joint). You can store them using either the specific derived classes or using the base class. Specific joint types are implicitly convertible to the generic joint, but the inverse (downcast) requires an explicit constructor call that raises an assertion if the actual joint type is wrong.

Parameters structs

We have b2::Body::Params instead of b2BodyDef (and similarly for all other classes).

Those Params classes are automatically set to their default values in the constructor (unlike the original ...Def structs, for which you must call b2Default...Def() to initialize them).

But since we have a constructor, you can no longer use the designated initializer syntax (you can't do b2::Body::Params{.type = ..., .position = ...}, and must do b2::Body::Params p; p.type = ...; p.position = ...;).

As a workaround, if you like oneliners more than you don't like macros, you can do this:

#define ADJUST(x, ...) [&]{auto _ = x; __VA_ARGS__; return _;}

auto params = ADJUST(b2::Body::Params{}, _.type = ..., _.position = ...);

All our functions accept both Params and the original ...Def structs if you must use them.

Using callbacks

Functions accepting callbacks are enhanced to accept lambdas (including capturing lambdas), rather than only function pointers.

The void* context parameter is removed, it's no longer needed when you can use capturing lambdas directly.

When the callback receives a b2ShapeId, you can (and should) instead use b2::ShapeRef or b2::ShapeConstRef instead. (This is const-correct: if called on a const b2::World, b2::ShapeConstRef works and b2::ShapeRef doesn't).

std::string str = "Foo!";
    b2Circle{.center{}, .radius = 1},
    [&](b2::ShapeRef shape)
        std::cout << str << '\n'; // Lambdas can capture variables.
        return true;

Compare with the original C API:

std::string str = "Foo!";
b2Circle circle{.center{}, .radius = 1};
    [](b2ShapeId shape, void *context)
        // Must pass information through a `void *`.
        std::cout << static_cast<std::string *>(context) << '\n';
        return true;

Those callback improvements are not yet implemented for b2::World::SetPreSolveCallback(), and for functions in b2::DynamicTree.

Debug ImGui renderer

We have an optional debug renderer using ImGui.

See comments in <box2cpp/debug_imgui_renderer.h> for usage details.

Simple example: (this assumes you already know how to use ImGui)

#include <box2cpp/box2cpp.h>
#include <box2cpp/debug_imgui_renderer.h>

int main()
    // Initialize ImGui...

    b2::World w(b2::World::Params{});
    b2::DebugImguiRenderer debug_renderer;

    while (true)
        // ImGui main loop...

        debug_renderer.DrawShapes(world); // Draw Box2D shapes.
        debug_renderer.MouseDrag(world); // Allow dragging bodies with mouse.
        debug_renderer.DrawModeToggles(); // Checkboxes for adjusting visualization.