


CI Maintainability

Cross platform tool to generate a complete Myst Online: Uru Live file server from a set of game assets and gather packages.


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Clone the repository into the directory of your choice. For the best performance, you will need to build UruManifest's crypto module by executing pip3 install . from the directory that you cloned the project into. Note that this module uses pybind11 and therefore requires a C++11 compliant compiler. This is module optional, however, and UruManifest will function correctly albiet more slowly without it. Be sure to install the Python dependencies of tqdm and dataclasses (on Python 3.6) by executing pip3 install -r requirements.txt.

Additionally, to build a Python.pak for your shard, you will need to have the version of Python used by Uru itself. For H-uru based Uru clients, this is Python 3.8 (or higher). For Cyan's Myst Online: Uru Live, this is currently Python 2.3. No additional modules or extensions are needed for this version of Python.

Getting Started

UruManifest uses a configuration file to facillitate iteration. To generate a default configuration file, execute python urumanifest dumpconfig. The --config argument can be specified if you wish to use a filename other than ./config.ini. These values should be tweaked to match your particular configuration.

UruManifest assumes you will be using the standard moul-scripts and moul-assets repositories to generate your file server. If this is not the case, you should familize yourself with the layout of these repositories due to this assumption.

When you are ready to generate your file server, you may do so by executing python urumanifest generate. Once you have generated a file server, UruManifest provides a few ways to help you deploy updates to your shard. The easiest and recommended option is to add any changed files directly into the "source"s given in the configuration file and rerun python urumanifest generate. This will trigger UruManifest to examine the previously generated file server and either copy changes or delete removed assets from the file server. For more control over the process, supply the --stage argument by executing python urumanifest generate --stage to instead stage the delta into the directory structure specified in the stage section of the config file. UruManifest can also provide you with more details about its plan of action by specifying the --debug argument: python urumanifest --debug generate --stage. If you would like to simply test the update process to make sure nothing breaks, use the --dry-run argument: python urumanifest generate --dry-run. Note that the --dry-run and --stage arguments are mutually exclusive.

Note that UruManifest assumes that it owns the output. You should never tweak it manually. Additionally, if you already have a generated file server via another method, it is suggested that you discard this and allow UruManifest to generate the file server afresh to prevent conflicts. If the output every needs to be completely regenerated, use the --force argument.

Gather Packages

UruManifest allows Cyan-style gather packages to be imported into the client directory. These gather packages may contain file replacements, new ages, clients, patchers, and redistributable installers.

NOTE: UruManifest is currently unable to automate detection of client executables, libraries, and redistributables. Therefore, it is required to use the GitHub Actions integration described below or manually create gather packages for your client builds.

UruManifest supports additional sections in and assigns additional meaning to the gather control JSON file:

Additionally, AMD64 binaries may be supplied by adding the suffix 64 to the keys referenced above, eg: external64, internal64, mac64, prereq64.

GitHub Actions Integration

UruManifest can deploy clients build from your fork of Plasma's GitHub Actions workflow. To do so, you will need to configure the token under the [github] section of the configuration file with a personal access token with the scope repo:read. Additionally, be sure to configure the repo and branch items.

If you have supplied a GitHub token, when you execute the command python3 urumanifest generate, UruManifest will check the path supplied for the game scripts directory. If it is a clone of Plasma, then UruManifest will attempt to fetch the artifacts from a GitHub Actions workflow that matches its current revision. If git is not installed or the path is not a valid clone, the current HEAD of the remote you configured will be used. You may force usage of the current HEAD by passing the --head argument. Alternatively, you may manually skip this process using the --no-pull-gha argument.

When using this integration, keep in mind that GitHub Actions will only retain artifacts for 90-days. If the artifacts are expired, then the GitHub Actions integration will fail.

Server Considerations

Currently, only DirtSand and MOSS servers are supported.


MOSS tries to be "clever" in many ways, resulting in some considerations if you plan to use UruManifest to generate your MOSS server data. Common stumbling blocks are enumerated below.

Auth Configuation

MOSS allows shipping different sets of "secure" files to different accounts. This means that the value of MOSS's auth_download_dir will differ from UruManifest's output.lists. You will want to set UruManifest's lists directory to a subdirectory of MOSS's auth_download_dir named default.

Secure Manifest

H-uru clients download the Python.pak and SDL files via the SecurePreloader file manifest. However, MOSS has a setting that may prevent clients from logging in if these files are not downloaded via the MOSS auth server. Therefore, you may need to set server.secure_manifest to false in the UruManifest configuation to work around this strange design decision in MOSS.

Game Configuration

MOSS tries to be helpful to age creators by allowing the game server to load each age's SDL when the age starts. Unfortunately, the execution of this idea is fragile and makes the storage of SDL files extremely fragile. UruManifest will copy both the decrypted .age and .sdl to MOSS if the directories are given. For age files, you will want to set server.age_directory to the age subdirectory of the game_data_dir. For SDL, you will want to set the server.sdl_directory to the SDL/common subdirectory of the game_data_dir. Any other subdirectories should be removed. This will require that MOSS be restarted any time you run an update -- but you should never deploy an update while the server is running, anyway.