


<a href="https://github.com/HoareLea/SAM_Excel"><img src="https://github.com/HoareLea/SAM/blob/master/Grasshopper/SAM.Core.Grasshopper/Resources/SAM_Small.png" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="6"></a>

SAM is part of SAM Toolkit that is designed to help engneers to create Analytical Model. Welcome and let's make the opensource journey continue. :handshake:

SAM_SolarCalculator is a module of the Sustainable Analytical Model (SAM) software developed by Michal Dengusiak and Jakub Ziolkowski. It provides functionality for simulating solar radiation on building surfaces and generating energy models.




To install SAM from .exe just download and run latest installer otherwise rebuild using VS SAM

SAM_SolarCalculator is a C# project that can be compiled and integrated into larger projects. It has the following dependencies:


SAM_SolarCalculator provides a Simulate class with methods for simulating solar irradiance and generating energy models.

public static IEnumerable<Surface> Simulate(this IEnumerable<Surface> surfaces, DateTime dateTime, double timeZone = 0, double inclination = 0, double azimuth = 0, double tolerance = Tolerance.Angle, double areaAdjustment = 1, double altitude = double.NaN, double latitude = double.NaN, double longitude = double.NaN, double diffusedFraction = 0.3, double directFraction = 0.7)
public static EnergyBase Simulate(this Space space, double solarReflectance, double visibleReflectance, double[] assemblyThicknesses, IEnumerable<Panel> panels, Material sunMaterial, Material skyMaterial, double gridSize = 1, double tolerance = Tolerance.MicroDistance, double offset = 0.1, double factor = 2.5)


Examples of how to use SAM_SolarCalculator can be found in the Examples directory.


If you would like to contribute to SAM_SolarCalculator, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. Before submitting a pull request, please make sure that your code adheres to the coding standards and conventions used in the project.


SAM is free software licenced under GNU Lesser General Public Licence - https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html
Each contributor holds copyright over their respective contributions. The project versioning (Git) records all such contribution source information. See LICENSE and COPYRIGHT_HEADER.