

The Heavenly Paw

A project to learn about the usage of Webpack

Project idea: The Odin Project

Project inspiration: Monster Hunter series

Restaurant built in the chaos of Monster Hunter World - ready to serve 24/7:

Sneak peek?

!!!<details><summary>PROJECT PREVIEW</summary> !MHRestau </details>!!!

Live preview here!


- Decor designs, monster designs, wallpapers, video, pictures, icons, some of the effects: CAPCOM Co., Ltd.

- Chef pictures: Reddit user u/HoontsArt, Kerri Aitken Illustration

- Grammeowster Chef cover, fonts and some lore ideas: CAPCOM Co., Ltd., Monster Hunter Wiki, Monster Hunter World wiki at Fextralife

- Logo image: monsterart- on Redbubble.com

- If you want to implement this design, check out webdiscus' html-bundler-webpack-plugin for a much cleaner approach