

Exploiting loss smoothness to improve query efficiency of black-box adversarial attack

This repository is the official implementation of the BABIES algorithm (Black-box Attack Based on IntErpolation Scheme) for the ECCV 2022 paper Exploiting the local parabolic landscapes of adversarial losses to accelerate black-box adversarial attack (by Hoang Tran, Dan Lu and Guannan Zhang). Our codes were developed based on cg563/simple-blackbox-attack.


Our codes were tested on GPU with:


We perform the evaluation on three sets of MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet images. We include these sets in the repository.

For MNIST, we randomly select 1,000 correctly labeled images from the MNIST testing sets. In targeted attack, the target labels are uniformly sampled at random, and the same target labels are used for all evaluations. The attacked images, their correct and targeted labels will be loaded from file mnist_testset.pth in the folder MNIST/data.

For CIFAR-10, we randomly select 1,000 correctly labeled images from the CIFAR testing sets. The attacked images, their correct and targeted labels will be loaded from file cifar_testset.pth in the folder CIFAR10/data. For convenience, we also include these images in CIFAR10/data/imgs folder, as well as their labels in .txt files.

For ImageNet, the attacks are performed on a set of 1000 correctly labeled images from the ImageNetV2. The attacked images will be loaded from folder ImageNet/data/imgs. Their correct and targeted labels are from files class2image.txt and target_label.txt respectively.


We use our method to attack eight pre-trained classifiers (four standard and four l<sub>2</sub>-robust).

The pre-trained model for MNIST is an l<sub>2</sub>-robust CNN at radius 0.005, trained by TRADES (https://github.com/yaodongyu/TRADES). The model is provided at MNIST/models/smallCNN_l2_eps0.005_mnist.pt.

For CIFAR-10, we test two standard classifiers: inception_v3 and vgg13_bn. The pre-trained models were acquired from https://github.com/huyvnphan/PyTorch_CIFAR10. We also test one pre-trained l<sub>2</sub>-robust Resnet50 model at radius 1, which was acquired from https://github.com/MadryLab/robustness. These models are put in CIFAR10/models/state_dicts.

For ImageNet, we test two standard classifiers: inception_v3 and resnet50. The pretrained classifiers are acquired from torchvision.models and will be downloaded automatically once the codes are run. We also test two defended models: l<sub>2</sub>-robust ResNet18 and l<sub>2</sub>-robust ResNet 50 model at radius 3, which was acquired from https://github.com/microsoft/robust-models-transfer. These models are put in ImageNet/models/.


Our main file to run the algorithm is run_BABIES.py, which can be found in the folder BABIES. Example commands to evaluate our algorithm are:

python run_BABIES.py --model='vgg13_cifar' --total_size=1000 --batch_size=1000 --max_iters=3072 --rho=2.4 --eps=2.0

python run_BABIES.py --model='resnet50' --total_size=1000 --batch_size=125 --max_iters=25000 --rho=12.0 --eps=3.0  --targeted

Users can customize the test by adjusting the flags:

The target classifiers, experiment parameters and algorithm parameters to reproduce Tables 2-5 in our paper are shown in the below table. The first numbers are for untargeted attacks. Numbers in parentheses are for targeted attacks. In run_BABIES.py, we also list the specific command lines to run these tests.

inception_v310005000 (25000)5 (12)2 (3)
resnet5010005000 (25000)5 (12)2 (3)
inception_v3_cifar10003072 (3072)2.4 (4)2 (2)
vgg13_cifar10003072 (3072)2.4 (4)2 (2)
resnet18_l2_eps310005000 (25000)12 (32)8 (8)
resnet50_l2_eps310005000 (25000)12 (32)8 (8)
resnet50_l2_eps1_cifar10003072 (3072)2 (3)0.5 (0.5)
smallCNN_l2_eps0.005_mnist10005000 (5000)1 (2)0.5 (0.5)


  title={Exploiting the local parabolic landscapes of adversarial losses to accelerate black-box adversarial attack},
  author={Tran, Hoang and Lu, Dan and Zhang, Guannan},