

A Vim-Based Integrated Research Environment

A Vim-based academic research and writing environment, with a bare minimum of dependencies and vim plugins. Build a sprawling, densely-connected Zettelkasten, and let it grow naturally into academic articles, books or presentations without ever leaving Vim.

Why Vim

The reasons for this are simple: 1) Vim is the most powerful writing/editing technology since the invention of pen and paper, and learning to use it is truly like growing wings and "editing at the speed of though"; 2) the original vi program was created in 1976 (43 years ago), and Vim has been around since 1991 (28 years ago). Vim is the surest way to avoid the impending note-taking apocalypse; and 3) Vim uses good old plain text files that can be viewed and edited anywhere and as long as there are computers.

Can I use something else?

Yes, albeit with a much more limited functionality. The closest you can get in a Mac is the commendable nvALT. And of course there's always org-mode, if you're willing to give it a shot.


Preliminaries and Conventions

Reading more: Manfred Kuehn, "Some Idiosyncratic Reflections on Note-Taking in General", Christian Tietze, "Create a Zettelkasten for your Notes to Improve Thinking and Writing" and Niklas Luhman's original "Communicating with Slip-Boxes".

General Idea

While there are many plugins for creating a wiki-like systems in Vim (vim-wiki being the most popular one), the IRE relies entirely on Vim standard commands, thus avoiding the idiosyncrasies of those plugins. Vim's powerful navigation and search functions makes it possible to treat any plain text file as a wiki, so technically the IRE would work with non-markdown text files. vim-pandocand vim-pandoc-syntax simply offer some convenient functionality for writing in markdown, such as syntax highlighting and concealment, structure folding, bibkeycompletion, previewing, etc. fzf and ag add file-name fuzzy finding and advanced content search across files. goyo offers a tidy writing environment, reminiscent of popular full-scree writing apps. Nothing more, nothing less.
