

Large-Margin Softmax Loss, Angular Softmax Loss, Additive Margin Softmax, ArcFaceLoss And FocalLoss In Tensorflow

This repository contains core codes of the reimplementation of the following papers in TensorFlow:

If your goal is to reproduce the results in the original paper, please use the official codes:

For using these Ops on your own machine:

mkdir build
cd build && cmake ..

All the codes was tested under TensorFlow 1.6, Python 3.5, Ubuntu 16.04 with CUDA 8.0. The outputs of these Ops in C++ had been compared with the original caffe codes' outputs, and the bias could be ignored. The gradients of this Op had been checked using tf.test.compute_gradient_error and tf.test.compute_gradient. While the others are implemented following the official implementation in Python Ops.

If you encountered some linkage problem when generating or loading *.so, you are highly recommended to read this section in the official tourial to make sure you were using the same C++ ABI version.

Any contributions to this repo is welcomed.

MIT License