

RON Detector in TensorFlow: Reverse Connection with Objectness Prior Networks for Object Detection

RON is an efficient object detection system as descibed in This CVPR paper.

This repository contains code of the re-implement of RON following the above paper. Now almost all of the implementation details matches the open-source version by the the author of RON.

The code is modified from SSD-Tensorflow. You can use the code to train/evaluate your network for object detection task.

For more details (including dataset prepare), please refer to README of SSD-Tensorflow.

Update: Recently, I have found some details of the detection pipeline maybe sub-optimal in this implementation. So if you would like use codes here for further research, I recommend you to refer to this repo which includes many of my latest insights about detection.


Last Update:

Note: Model trained (07+12 VOC-train and test on VOC07-test) using the initial version of this code can only get to 0.45~0.55mAP, clone the latest version will give you much better performance at 0.7+mAP(needs ~120k steps, training with ron_net.py and evaluation with eval_ron_network.py). Futher improvement is still going on.

Here are some demo result images of reduced-version RON-320 detector(with a heavier vgg16-backbone 0.74mAP is reported in paper) trained using this code: