

UPDATE: A new challenging subset is added!

We released a newly collected extension subset of 15 categories with 150 videos (very challenging!!!) for one-shot evaluation of tracking algorithms. Check the description in this <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.03465">paper</a>. More details including the data, complete evaluation toolkit and results of 48 trackers are available at this <a href="http://vision.cs.stonybrook.edu/~lasot/">project</a>.


This toolkit is utilized for evaluating trackers' performance on a large-scale benchmark LaSOT (http://vision.cs.stonybrook.edu/~lasot/).

Notification (Downloading dataset and tracking results)

Please use the following links to download dataset (OneDrive is recommended):

Download LaSOT in the conference version

Download LaSOT-extension in the journal version

In order to download the tracking results, please directly use the following link (including toolkit and complete results):



In the file run_tracker_performance_evaluation.m, you can

In the file utils/plot_draw_save.m


If you use LaSOT and this evaluation toolkit for you researches, please consider citing our paper:


If you have any questions on <a href="http://vision.cs.stonybrook.edu/~lasot/">LaSOT</a>, please feel free to contact Heng Fan at heng.fan@unt.edu.