


a 3d database ORM experiment for Android. (used in two commercial projects). based around small tables concept and JVM Serialization.

Android Arsenal

How to use

simply fork or download the project, you can also download and create .aar file yourself.


TriOrm is a very light, simple and efficient ORM with partial SQL wrapping, with the following theme:

construct your Model/Tables

Simply extend TriData with the following annotations(Optional).

@TriTable(dbName = "myDataBase", tableName = "user")
public class User extends TriData {
    public String firstName = "John";
    public String lastName  = "Dow";

    public User() {

    public User(String id) {

@TriTable(dbName = "myDataBase", tableName = "location")
public class Location extends TriData {
    public String city    = "city";
    public String state   = "state";

    public Location() {


every TriData has the following indexed/query-able properties with getters/setters:

construct your Database

constructing a database takes one line of code

new TriDatabase.Builder(this).addTable(User.class).addTable(Location.class).build();

and without annotations:

new TriDatabase.Builder(this).name("myDataBase").addTable("user", User.class).addTable("location", Location.class).build();

Saving into your Database

Simply invoke the save() method on your extended TriData object.

User user       = new User();

user.setType("Java programmer");

user.firstName  = "Jimi";
user.lastName   = "Hendrix";


loading a single object from your Database

Simply use the TriOrm.load(..) Singleton and use your typed object.

User user = TriOrm.load(User.class, "theDude");

querying from your Database

Simply use the TriOrm.query(..) builder Singleton and use your typed object.

ArrayList<User> list_users = TriOrm.query(User.class).timeCreatedFrom(0).timeCreatedTo(100).type("Java programmer").build().query();

you can query anything from the three properties: id, timeCreated and type.

getting an instance of a table

Simply use the TriOrm.table(..) Singleton and use your typed object. With table you can have more options and some sandbox methods.

TriTable<User> table = TriOrm.table(User.class);

Important Notes

The presistent layer is built around JVM Serialization, therefore there are important considerations for when evolving your model/tables like any other database solution, beware of the folowing:



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