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GDSHelpers in an open-source package for automatized pattern generation for nano-structuring. It allows exporting the pattern in the GDSII-format and OASIS-format, which are currently mainly used for describing 2D-masks. Currently, the focus is mainly on photonic and superconducting circuitry. The library consists of growing list of parts, which can be composed into larger circuits.

So far, the following parts are implemented:

Besides this it also allows to perform conveniently operations on the design, like:

The structures are organized in cells, which allow:

Additionally the structures can conveniently be simulated by:

Finally, there are also different formats in which the pattern can be exported:

Citing GDSHelpers

We would appreciate if you cite the following paper in your publications for which you used GDSHelpers:

Helge Gehring, Matthias Blaicher, Wladick Hartmann, and Wolfram H. P. Pernice, "Python based open source design framework for integrated nanophotonic and superconducting circuitry with 2D-3D-hybrid integration" OSA Continuum 2, 3091-3101 (2019)


You can find the documentation on readthedocs. If you have problems using GDSHelpers don't hesitate to contact us using Discussions or send me a mail.


The GDSHelpers can be installed via pip using (more details in the installation documentation)

pip install gdshelpers