K8S with an API Gateway
This is a proof-of-concept for running managed containers within a kubernetes cluster with Traefik infront.
start kubernetes
minikube start
set docker context (per terminal) so we can use local docker images
eval $(minikube docker-env)
setup minikube tunnel to make sure we get an external ip
minikube tunnel
setup helm
helm init
install traefik with helm (should be able to pass in values with cli using --set)
helm install --values resource-manifests/values.yml stable/traefik
check external ip with the output of the prenumilate step
kubectl get svc ... --namespace default -w
add the external ip to /etc/hosts
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX traefik-ui.minikube service-one.minikube service-two.minikube
build the docker containers
cd sa-service-1 && docker build -t sa-service-1 .
cd sa-service-2 && docker build -t sa-service-2 .
create the cluster's deployments, services and ingresses
kubectl apply -f resource-manifests/service-one.yml
kubectl apply -f resource-manifests/service-two.yml
kubectl get all