


A lite and flexible CSS framework (Inspired by Skeleton CSS)

Hasser is primarily made to define the style of the contained tag on the container one.

<!-- says "I have a button with the 'success' style inside" -->
<span class="has-button-success">
    <span>Fake...</span> <!-- this tag will be styled by the parent class -->

It was difficult to apply a style on a Symfony form without having to create a bundle/module. I wasn't familiar with the framework, so I decided to create this and wrap parts of form to style them.


To see all the available class, consult the file 'hasser_repert.txt' <br/> To see the framework in action, open the file 'documentation.html'

Don't hesitate to notify me of any issue, so that I can fix it quickly. <br/> And you can send me any request or suggestion. <br/>

Good luck !