

<a href="https://hashlink.haxe.org"><img src="https://hashlink.haxe.org/hashlink.svg" alt="HashLink" align="right" /></a>


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HashLink is a virtual machine for Haxe https://hashlink.haxe.org

Building on Linux/OSX

HashLink is distributed with some graphics libraries allowing to develop various applications, you can manually disable the libraries you want to compile in Makefile. Here's the dependencies that you install in order to compile all the libraries:

To install all dependencies on the latest Ubuntu, for example:

sudo apt-get install libpng-dev libturbojpeg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libsdl2-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libmbedtls-dev libuv1-dev libsqlite3-dev

For 16.04, see this note.

To install all dependencies on the latest Fedora, for example:

sudo dnf install libpng-devel turbojpeg-devel libvorbis-devel openal-soft-devel SDL2-devel mesa-libGLU-devel mbedtls-devel libuv-devel sqlite-devel

And on OSX:

brew bundle to install the dependencies listed in Brewfile.

Once dependencies are installed you can simply call:


To be able to use hashlink binary with the debugger you can then call:

sudo make codesign_osx

To install hashlink binaries on your system you can then call:

make install

Building on Windows

Open hl.sln using Visual Studio C++ and compile.

To build all of HashLink libraries it is required to download several additional distributions, read each library README file (in hashlink/libs/xxx/README.md) for additional information.


You can debug Haxe/HashLink applications by using the Visual Studio Code Debugger


Read the Documentation on the HashLink wiki.