

<p align="center"> <img src="https://s7.gifyu.com/images/GifCroppedTran.gif"/> </p>


Visit the docs for more info: https://docs.tdarr.io/docs/plugins/basics


Make sure NodeJS v16 is installed

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run ESLint:

npm run lint:fix

Check plugins using some extra custom rules:

npm run checkPlugins

Run tests:

npm run test

Steps to write a Tdarr Flow plugin:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Set env variable pluginsDir to the location of the plugins repo and run Tdarr Server and Node. E.g. export pluginsDir=C:/Tdarr_Plugins
  3. Browse the typescript plugins here https://github.com/HaveAGitGat/Tdarr_Plugins/tree/master/FlowPluginsTs/CommunityFlowPlugins and make edits locally or create a new one locally:
  4. Make sure typescript is intalled with npm i -g typescript then run tsc to compile the changes.
  5. Refresh the browser and Tdarr will pick up the changes