

Babylon PostEffect Designer

This tool provides users with full control of post effects adjustments in Babylon.js. You may adjust each field using check box, sliders, and directly inputs. Check real-time rendering to find the combination best suits your needs. You may also download post effect data as JSON and share them with your friends.

You can fork this repo to modify and make changes of your own. Please give me proper credit by linking back to HarveyLijh. Thanks!

Live Demo

https://harveylijh.github.io/Babylon_PostEffect_Designer_JL/ screenshot screenshot


↳ Stargazers

Stargazers repo roster for @HarveyLijh/Babylon_PostEffect_Designer_JL

↳ Forkers

Forkers repo roster for HarveyLijh/Babylon_PostEffect_Designer_JL


Demo models: https://maxparata.itch.io/voxel-spaceships