

Codes of USENIX Security'23 paper "On the Security Risks of Knowledge Graph Reasoning"



Constructing data

We construct Cyber KG with recorded CVEs (link), from which we crawled vulnerability-related information such as affected vendor, product, version, vulnerability types, descriptions, relevant CWE, etc. One can refer to ./data/cyberkg/crawler.ipynb to check the information we crawled. We construct a Cybersecurity KG with queries/answers in gen_cyberkg.py.

We modify on the released codes from this repository.


We organize the structure of our files as follows:

├──  data/
│   └──  cyberkg/              # constructed KG may also saved in this dir by default
│       ├──  cve_url/          # collected CVE web links from 1999 to 2019
│       └──  crawler.ipynb     # crawling scripts that takes cve_url/ as inputs
├──  genkg/
│   ├──  cyberkg_backbone.py   # parse crawled data and construct a cyberkg
│   ├──  cyberkg_query.py      # generate queries and answers
│   └──  cyberkg_utils.py      # utility functions specific to generate cyberkg and QA
├──  dataloader.py              
├──  gen_cyberkg.py            # run this file to generate a cyberkg and QA, see details below
├──  main.py                   # main file for reasoning
├──  models.py                  
├──  READEME.md
└──  util.py                    

Run the Code

To run the code, one needs to first construct a CyberKG and its QA, then feed them to a model for downstream reasoning task.

We also provide a runnable demo in demo.sh for an easily use, but you have to download the crawled CVE files from link and change argparser raw_path in gen_cyberkg.py.


Please cite our paper if it is helpful:

  title="{On the Security Risks of Knowledge Graph Reasoning}",
  author={Xi, Zhaohan and Du, Tianyu and Pang, Ren and Li, Changjiang and Ji, Shouling and Luo, Xiapu and Xiao, Xusheng and Ma, Fenglong and Wang, Ting},
  booktitle={Proceedings of USENIX Security Symposium (SEC)},