

Contrastive Prototypical Network with Wasserstein Confidence Penalty

PyTorch implementation of <br> Contrastive Prototypical Network with Wasserstein Confidence Penalty <br> Haoqing Wang, Zhi-hong Deng

ECCV 2022



For miniImageNet and tiredImageNet, download them from

and put them under their respective paths, e.g., ./Datasets/miniImagenet.


Set method to BarTwins,SimCLR,BYOL,pn, cpn, cpn_cr, cpn_ls, cpn_cp, cpn_js or cpn_wcp for Barlow Twins, SimCLR, BYOL, CPN w/o Pairwise Contrast, CPN, CPN with Consistency Regularization, CPN with Label Smoothing, CPN with Confidence Penalty, CPN with Jensen–Shannon Confidence Penalty or CPN with Wasserstein Confidence Penalty respectively.

python train.py --dataset miniImagenet --backbone Conv4 --batch_size 64 --aug_num 4 --method cpn --alpha 0.1 --gamma 8 --name Exp_name

alpha is the label relaxation factor for Label Smoothing, gamma is the scaling factor for Wasserstein Confidence Penalty.


Set classifier to ProtoNet for prototype-based nearest-neighbor classifier and to R2D2 for ridge regression classifier.

python test.py --testset miniImagenet --backbone Conv4 --name Exp_name --classifier ProtoNet --n_way 5 --n_shot 5


Set classifier to ProtoNet for prototype-based nearest-neighbor classifier and to R2D2 for ridge regression classifier.

python calibration.py --testset miniImagenet --backbone Conv4 --name Exp_name --classifier ProtoNet --n_way 5 --n_shot 5