


An open source BLE/USB dual-mode GH60 keyboard using Ebyte's E73 nRF52840 module, powered by rmk.


Flash firmware

To flash firmware to rmk-ble-keyboard, you should have a debug probe. There are two firmwares, firmware/s140_nrf52_7.3.0_softdevice.hex is the nRF's BLE stack, and firmware/rmk-ble-keyboard.elf is the keyboard firmware. You can follow the steps below to flash them to your keyboard:

  1. Install probe-rs

  2. Erase your chip:

    probe-rs erase --chip nrf52840_xxAA
  3. Flash nRF softdevice

    probe-rs download --verify --format hex --chip nRF52840_xxAA firmware/s140_nrf52_7.3.0_softdevice.hex
  4. Flash pre-compiled firmware

    # Flash pre-compiled firmware
    probe-rs download --verify --chip nRF52840_xxAA firmware/rmk-nrf52840.elf
  5. Or, you can re-compile RMK keyboard firmware and flash(requires Rust, see RMK's user guide)

    # Compile and flash
    cd firmware/rmk-nrf52840
    cargo run --release