

ALTER: Augmentation for Large-Table-Based Reasoning

Official implementation of the paper "ALTER: Augmentation for Large-Table-Based Reasoning" . We warmly welcome discussions on table reasoning issues together!☺️

πŸ“ Paper

ALTER: Augmentation for Large-Table-Based Reasoning

<!-- ![Document Screenshot](ALTER.jpg) -->

πŸš€ Installation

git clone https://anonymous.4open.science/r/tabular_data-295C
conda create -n alter python=3.10
conda activate alter
pip install -r requirements.txt

πŸ“ Redis Store

You can run the experiments with LocalFile Store or Redis Store.

To run the experiments with Redis store, you can use the following command to start a Redis store in Docker:

docker run -d -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis/redis-stack:latest

🎯 Run

# modif config.yaml first
sh scripts/aug.sh
sh scripts/pipelines.sh

🧩 Data

We use the following datasets for the experiments:

🌲Main File Tree

Our Code

 File Tree:
|-- ./augmentation.py # script for augmentation in pre-stage
|-- ./batch_pipe.py 
|-- ./data_loader/__init__.py
|-- ./data_loader/datasets
|-- ./data_loader/table_augmentation.py
|-- ./data_loader/table_format.py
|-- ./data_loader/TableLoader.py
|-- ./executor/executor.py
|-- ./run.py
`-- ./utils.py
|-- notebook