

Hierarchical Context Pruning: Optimizing Real-World Code Completion with Repository-Level Pretrained Code LLMs

<p align="center"> <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.18294'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Arxiv-Paper-red'></a> </p>




Repository Structure

├── README.md
├── assets
│   └── methedology.png
├── benchmarks
│   ├── crosscodeeval
│   │  ├── data
│   │  ├── raw_data
│   │  ├── real_repos
│   │  └── python_line_completion.jsonl
│   └── repobench
│       ├── raw_data
│       ├── real_repos
│       └── python_line_completion.jsonl
├── complete.py
├── configs
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── templates.py
├── create_completion_metadata.py
├── entry.py
├── evaluate.py
├── inputs
│   ├── crosscodeeval
│   │   ├── baselines
│   │   │── hcp
│   │   └── preliminary
│   └── repobench
│       ├── baselines
│       │── hcp
|── outputs
│   ├── crosscodeeval
│   │   ├── baselines
│   │   │── hcp
│   │   └── preliminary
│   └── repobench
│       ├── baselines
│       │── hcp
├── requirements.txt
├── scripts
│   ├── generate_cceval_inputs.sh
│   ├── generate_repobench_inputs.sh
│   ├── test_cceval_baselines.sh
│   ├── test_cceval_hcp.sh
│   ├── test_cceval_preliminary.sh
│   ├── test_repobench_baselines.sh
│   └── test_repobench_hcp.sh
├── src
│   ├── build_repo.py
│   ├── codeparser.py
│   ├── node
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   └── modeling_node.py
│   ├── retriever
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── auto.py
│   │   ├── jina.py
│   │   └── openai.py
│   └── topo
│       ├── __init__.py
│       └── modeling_topo.py
└── utils
    ├── preprocess
    │   ├── crosscodeeval.py
    │   ├── repobench.py
    │   └── split_hcp_all.py
    └── statistic
        ├── get_bad_case.py
        ├── get_hit_changes.py
        └── get_prompt_length.py



CrossCodeEval Dataset

  1. Download the original data:

    We have constructed the test set using the original data from CrossCodeEval. Due to copyright issues, please contact the author(s) of CrossCodeEval to request the original data. Once you have the original data, please unzip it and place it in the benchmarks/crosscodeeval/data directory.

  2. Construct the test set:

    Run ./scripts/generate_cceval_inputs.sh to generate the test inputs for the CrossCodeEval dataset.

RepoBench Dataset

Simply run ./scripts/generate_repobench_inputs.sh to download and generate the test inputs for the RepoBench dataset.


Sample Inputs

  1. Below is a sample input for the RAG-based methods:
    "task_id": "project_cc_python/62",
    "repository": "turboderp-exllama-a544085",
    "file": "example_ws.py",
    "strategy": "rag",
    "groundtruth": "sequence_actual[:, -max_stop_string:])[0]",
    "prefix": "import asyncio\nimport [TRUNCATED]",
    "suffix": "\n    next_token = [TRUNCATED]",
    "context": "# Here are some relevant code fragments from other files of the repo:\n\n# the below code fragment can be found in:\n# alt_generator.py\n#             self.sequence_str += self.held_text\n#       [TRUNCATED]"

  1. Below is a sample input for the HCP method:
    "task_id": "project_cc_python/62",
    "repository": "turboderp-exllama-a544085",
    "file": "example_ws.py",
    "strategy": "hcp",
    "groundtruth": "sequence_actual[:, -max_stop_string:])[0]",
    "row": 104,
    "col": 42,
    "d_level": 0,
    "context": {
        "repo_name": "turboderp-exllama-a544085",
        "cross_file_context": {
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/example_lora.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/example_basic.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/model_init.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/webui/app.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/perplexity.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/globals.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/test_benchmark_inference.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/datasets/download_datasets.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/example_batch.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/example_chatbot.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/example_alt_generator.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/cuda_ext.py": "",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/example_cfg.py": "def generate_cfg(prompts, alpha, max_new_tokens):\n\n    [TRUCATED]",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/example_flask.py": "@app.route('/infer_precise', methods=['POST'])\ndef inferContextP():\n    [TRUCATED]",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/webui/session.py": "class Node:\n\nclass Session:\n\ndef respond(self, author, stop_conditions, total_tokens, res_line = \"\", num_res_tokens = 0):\n   [TRUCATED]",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/alt_generator.py": "class ExLlamaAltGenerator:\n\ndef begin_stream(self, prompt: str, stop_conditions: list, [TRUCATED]",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/tokenizer.py": "class ExLlamaTokenizer:\n\n    def __init__(self, tokenizer_model_path):\n\n        self.path = tokenizer_model_path\n        [TRUCATED]",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/lora.py": "class ExLlamaLora:\n\n    lora_config_path: str\n    lora_path: str\n    lora_r: int\n    lora_alpha: float\n    lora_scaling: float\n    [TRUCATED]",
            "turboderp-exllama-a544085/model.py": "class ParsedEnum(Enum):\n\n    def __str__(self):\n        return self.name.lower()\n\n    def __repr__(self):\n        return str(self) [TRUCATED]"
        "infile_context": {
            "prefix": "import asyncio\nimport websockets\nimport json\nfrom sentencepiece import SentencePieceProcessor\n\n [TRUCATED]",
            "suffix": "\n    next_token = generator.gen_single_token()\n\n    # End on stop token\n\n    if next_token in stop_tokens:\n [TRUCATED]"



[!Note] We use OpenAI Text Embedding API to embed the code snippets. You need to set the environment variable OPENAI_BASE_URL to your OpenAI API base URL and the environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY to your OpenAI API key in .env file.

To Reproduce the experiments in the paper, you can run the following scripts:

  1. Run ./scripts/test_cceval_baselines.sh to evaluate the baselines on the CrossCodeEval dataset.
  2. Run ./scripts/test_cceval_hcp.sh to evaluate the HCP method on the CrossCodeEval dataset.
  3. Run ./scripts/test_cceval_preliminary.sh to evaluate the preliminary study on the CrossCodeEval dataset.
  4. Run ./scripts/test_repobench_baselines.sh to evaluate the baselines on the RepoBench dataset.
  5. Run ./scripts/test_repobench_hcp.sh to evaluate the HCP method on the RepoBench dataset.



We provide an simple example to run the HCP method to get the cross-file context and infile context:

python entry.py \
  --repo path/to/a/real/repo \
  --file path/to/current/python/file \
  --row row/number/of/the/fim/hole/in/current/file \
  --col column/number/of/the/fim/hole/in/current/file \
  --top-p 0.3 \
  --top-k 5

This script will return the cross-file context and infile context for the given file and position. The top-p and top-k are the hyperparameters for the HCP method. You can use the returned context to implement your own application.



If you find our work useful, please cite us.

      title={Hierarchical Context Pruning: Optimizing Real-World Code Completion with Repository-Level Pretrained Code LLMs}, 
      author={Lei Zhang and Yunshui Li and Jiaming Li and Xiaobo Xia and Jiaxi Yang and Run Luo and Minzheng Wang and Longze Chen and Junhao Liu and Min Yang},