

Red Team Interview Questions

Red Team Interview Questions

Welcome to the Red Team Interview Questions repository! This repository aims to provide a comprehensive list of topics and questions that can be helpful for both interviewers and candidates preparing for red team-related roles. Whether you're looking to assess your knowledge or preparing to interview candidates, these questions cover a wide range of essential topics in the field of red teaming.

Table of Contents

  1. Initial Access
  2. Windows Network
  3. Active Directory
  4. OS Language Programming
  5. PowerShell
  6. Windows Internals
  7. DNS Server
  8. Windows API
  9. Macro Attack
  10. APT Groups
  11. EDR and Antivirus
  12. Malware Development
  13. System & Kernel Programming
  14. Privilege Escalation
  15. Post-exploitation (and Lateral Movement)
  16. Persistence
  17. Breaking Hash
  18. C&C (Command and Control)
  19. DLL
  20. DNS Rebinding
  21. LDAP
  22. Evasion
  23. Steganography
  24. Kerberoasting and Kerberos
  25. Mimikatz
  26. RDP
  27. NTLM
  28. YARA Language
  29. Windows API And DLL Difference
  30. Antivirus and EDR Difference
  31. NTDLL
  32. Native API
  33. Windows Driver
  34. Tunneling
  35. Shadow File
  36. SAM File
  37. LSA
  38. LSASS
  40. CredSSP
  41. MSV
  42. LiveSSP
  43. TSpkg
  44. CredMan
  46. Polymorphic Malware
  47. Pass-the-Hash, Pass-the-Ticket or Build Golden Tickets
  48. Firewall
  49. WinDBG (Windows Debugger)
  50. PE (Portable Executable)
  51. ICMP
  52. Major Microsoft frameworks for Windows
  53. Services and Processes
  54. svchost
  55. CIM Class
  56. CDB, NTSD, KD, Gflags, GflagsX, PE Explorer
  57. Sysinternals Suite (tools)
  58. Undocumented Functions
  59. Process Explorer vs Process Hacker
  60. CLR (Common Language Runtime)

Initial Access:

Question 1:

How do you typically gain initial access to a target network?

Question 2:

What are some common methods used for gaining initial access to a target network?

Question 3:

Can you explain the difference between phishing and spear phishing?

Question 4:

How can an attacker exploit vulnerable services to gain initial access?

Question 5:

Describe a scenario where an attacker leverages social engineering for initial access.

Windows Network:

Question 1:

Explain the role of DHCP, DNS, TCP/IP, and OSI in Windows networking.

Question 2:

Explain the role of DHCP in network configuration.

Question 3:

How does DNS resolve domain names to IP addresses?

Question 4:

Describe the TCP/IP model and its layers.

Question 5:

How does VPN enhance network security and privacy?

Active Directory

Question 1:

What is Active Directory, and what role does it play in a Windows network?

Question 2:

How are users and resources organized within an Active Directory structure?

Question 3:

Explain the process of authentication and authorization in Active Directory.

Question 4:

What are some common Active Directory attack techniques, and how can they be mitigated?

Question 5:

Why is Active Directory a prime target for attackers?

OS Language Programming

Question 1:

What are the main differences between C and C++?

Question 2:

Explain the concept of pointers in C/C++?

Question 3:

How do you manage memory allocation in C/C++?

Question 4:

Can you provide an example of a basic C/C++ program?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
    return 0;

Question 5:

What are the basic concepts of C and C++ programming languages?


Question 1:

Question: How can PowerShell be used for scripting and automation in a Red Team scenario?

Question 2:

Question: What is PowerShell, and how does it differ from traditional command-line interfaces?

Question 3:

Question: Describe how PowerShell can be used for scripting and automation tasks.

Question 4:

Question: What are cmdlets, and how are they used in PowerShell?

Question 5:

Question: Can you demonstrate a simple PowerShell script for automating a common task?

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\MyFolder

Windows Internals

Question 1:

Why is understanding Windows internals crucial for Red Team operations?

Question 2:

What are Windows Internals, and why are they important for cybersecurity professionals?

Question 3:

Describe the difference between user mode and kernel mode in Windows.

Question 4:

What tools are commonly used for Windows Internals analysis and troubleshooting?

Question 5:

Explain the significance of the Windows Registry in Windows Internals.

DNS Server

Question 1:

What are common DNS server misconfigurations that can be exploited by attackers?

Question 2:

What is DNS (Domain Name System), and why is it important for network communication?

Question 3:

Describe the process of DNS resolution.

Question 4:

What are the main types of DNS records, and what purposes do they serve?

Question 5:

How can DNS server misconfigurations lead to security vulnerabilities?

Windows API

Question 1:

How can knowledge of Windows API be leveraged in Red Team operations?

Question 2:

What is the Windows API, and how is it used in software development?

Question 3:

Describe the difference between the Win32 API and the .NET Framework.

Question 4:

What are some common security considerations when using the Windows API?

Question 5:

Can you give an example of using the Windows API to perform a common task?

#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    LPCWSTR path = L"C:\\MyFolder";
    if (!CreateDirectory(path, NULL)) {
        cout << "Failed to create directory." << endl;
        return 1;
    cout << "Directory created successfully." << endl;
    return 0;

Macro Attack

Question 1:

What are macro attacks, and how are they typically executed?

Question 2:

What are macro-based attacks, and how do they exploit Microsoft Office applications?

Question 3:

How can organizations defend against macro-based attacks?

Question 4:

What are some common social engineering techniques used in macro-based attacks?

Question 5:

How can users identify potentially malicious macros in Microsoft Office documents?

APT Groups

Question 1:

What distinguishes APT groups from other threat actors?

Question 2:

What are APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) groups, and what distinguishes them from regular cybercriminals?

Question 3:

Can you provide examples of well-known APT groups and their notable campaigns?

Question 4:

What motivates APT groups, and what are their primary objectives?

Question 5:

How do organizations defend against APT group attacks?

EDR and Antivirus

Question 1:

How do you bypass antivirus and endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions?

Question 2:

What is EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response), and how does it differ from traditional antivirus solutions?

Question 3:

What techniques can adversaries use to bypass EDR and antivirus solutions?

Question 4:

How can organizations enhance their EDR and antivirus defenses to mitigate bypass techniques?

Question 5:

What are some common indicators of compromise (IOCs) that organizations can use to detect EDR and antivirus bypass attempts?

Malware Development

Question 1:

What are the key steps in developing custom malware for a specific target?

Question 2:

What is malware, and what are the main categories of malware?

Question 3:

Describe the malware development lifecycle and the stages involved.

Question 4:

What programming languages are commonly used for malware development, and why?

Question 5:

How can organizations defend against malware threats?

System & Kernel Programming

Question 1:

Why is knowledge of system and kernel programming important for Red Team operations?

Question 2:

What is system programming, and how does it differ from application programming?

Question 3:

Describe the role of the kernel in an operating system and its significance in system programming.

Question 4:

What programming languages are commonly used for system and kernel programming, and why?

Question 5:

What are some examples of system programming tasks and applications?

Privilege Escalation

Question 1:

What methods can you employ for privilege escalation on a compromised system?

Question 2:

What is privilege escalation, and why is it a significant security concern?

Question 3:

What are the main types of privilege escalation, and how do they differ?

Question 4:

What are some common techniques used for privilege escalation on Windows systems?

Question 5:

How can organizations prevent privilege escalation attacks?

Post-exploitation (and Lateral Movement)

Question 1:

After gaining access to a system, what steps do you take for post-exploitation and lateral movement?

Question 2:

What is post-exploitation, and how does it differ from initial access?

Question 3:

What are some common post-exploitation techniques used by attackers?

Question 4:

How does lateral movement contribute to post-exploitation activities, and what are some common methods used for lateral movement?

Question 5:

What strategies can organizations employ to detect and mitigate post-exploitation activities?


Question 1:

After gaining access to a system, what steps do you take for post-exploitation and lateral movement?

Question 2:

What is persistence in the context of cybersecurity, and why is it important for attackers?

Question 3:

What are some common techniques used by attackers to establish persistence on a compromised system?

Question 4:

How can organizations detect and prevent persistence mechanisms employed by attackers?

Question 5:

What challenges do organizations face in detecting and mitigating persistence techniques?

Breaking Hash

Question 1:

What techniques can be used to break password hashes?

Question 2:

What is a hash function, and how is it used in cybersecurity?

Question 3:

What is password hashing, and why is it important for securing user credentials?

Question 4:

What is a hash collision, and how does it impact the security of hash functions?

Question 5:

How do attackers use hash cracking techniques to break hashed passwords?

C&C (Command and Control)

Question 1:

How do you establish and maintain command and control over compromised systems?

Question 2:

What is a command and control (C&C) server, and what role does it play in a cyber attack?

Question 3:

What are some common communication protocols and techniques used by malware to communicate with C&C servers?

Question 4:

How do security analysts detect and disrupt C&C communications?

Question 5:

What challenges do defenders face in detecting and mitigating C&C communications?


Question 1:

How are DLLs used in Windows applications, and how can they be exploited by attackers?

Question 2:

What is a Dynamic Link Library (DLL), and how does it differ from a static library?

Question 3:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using DLLs in software development?

Question 4:

How do attackers exploit DLL vulnerabilities to compromise systems?

Question 5:

What mitigation strategies can be employed to prevent DLL-related attacks?

DNS Rebinding

Question 1:

After gaining access to a system, what steps do you take for post-exploitation and lateral movement?

Question 2:

What is persistence in the context of cybersecurity, and why is it important for attackers?

Question 3:

What are some common techniques used by attackers to establish persistence on a compromised system?

Question 4:

How can organizations detect and prevent persistence mechanisms employed by attackers?

Question 5:

How can Red Team operations benefit from DNS rebinding attacks, and what tactics might Red Teamers employ to leverage this technique effectively?


Question 1:

How does LDAP facilitate authentication and authorization in Windows environments?

Question 2:

What is LDAP, and what role does it play in network authentication and directory services?

Question 3:

How does LDAP authentication work, and what are some common authentication mechanisms supported by LDAP?

Question 4:

What are the security considerations when deploying LDAP in an organization?

Question 5:

How can attackers abuse LDAP to compromise network security?


Question 1:

What techniques can be used to evade detection by security tools?

Question 2:

What is evasion in the context of cybersecurity, and why is it important for attackers and defenders?

Question 3:

What are some common evasion techniques used by attackers to evade detection by security tools and systems?

Question 4:

How can organizations enhance their defenses against evasion tactics employed by attackers?

Question 5:

How can Red Team operations benefit from understanding evasion techniques, and what tactics might Red Teamers employ to leverage these techniques effectively?


Question 1:

How is steganography used in cybersecurity attacks?

Question 2:

What is steganography, and how does it differ from cryptography?

Question 3:

What are some common techniques used in steganography to hide information within digital media?

Question 4:

How can steganography be used in cyber-attacks or covert communication?

Question 5:

What are some countermeasures that organizations can implement to detect and mitigate steganographic attacks?

Kerberoasting and Kerberos

Question 1:

Explain the concept of Kerberoasting and its implications for domain authentication security.

Question 2:

What is Kerberoasting, and how does it exploit weaknesses in Kerberos authentication?

Question 3:

How does the Kerberos authentication protocol work, and what are its main components?

Question 4:

What are some best practices for defending against Kerberoasting attacks in an Active Directory environment?

Question 5:

How can Red Team operations benefit from DNS rebinding attacks, and what tactics might Red Teamers employ to leverage this technique effectively?


Question 1:

What is Mimikatz, and how is it used in Red Team operations?

Question 2:

What is Mimikatz, and how does it work?

Question 3:

What are some common techniques and capabilities of Mimikatz?

Question 4:

How can organizations defend against Mimikatz and similar credential theft tools?

Question 5:

What potential risks does the use of Mimikatz pose to an organization's cybersecurity posture, and how can security teams proactively mitigate these risks?


Question 1:

How can Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) be exploited by attackers?

Question 2:

What is RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), and how does it facilitate remote access to Windows systems?

Question 3:

What are some security considerations when using RDP for remote access?

Question 4:

What are some common vulnerabilities and attack vectors associated with RDP?

Question 5:

What are some best practices for securing RDP deployments in an enterprise environment?


Question 1:

What are the security weaknesses of NTLM authentication?

Question 2:

What is NTLM (NT LAN Manager), and how does it work?

Question 3:

What are some weaknesses and vulnerabilities associated with NTLM authentication?

Question 4:

How can organizations mitigate the risks associated with NTLM authentication?

Question 5:

What measures can organizations take to detect and prevent NTLM relay attacks?

YARA Language

Question 1:

What is YARA, and how is it used in malware analysis and detection?

Question 2:

What is YARA, and what is its primary use in cybersecurity?

Question 3:

How does YARA work, and what are its key features?

Question 4:

What are some practical applications of YARA in cybersecurity operations?

Question 5:

How can YARA be used to enhance threat intelligence capabilities?

Windows API And DLL Difference

Question 1:

Explain the difference between Windows API and DLL.

Question 2:

What is the difference between the Windows API and DLL (Dynamic Link Library)?

Question 3:

How are Windows APIs and DLLs used in software development?

Question 4:

What are some common examples of Windows APIs and DLLs?

Question 5:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Windows APIs and DLLs in software development?

Antivirus and EDR Difference

Question 1:

What distinguishes antivirus from endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions?

Question 2:

What is the difference between traditional antivirus (AV) software and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions?

Question 3:

What are some key features and capabilities of EDR solutions that differentiate them from traditional antivirus software?

Question 4:

How do traditional antivirus software and EDR solutions complement each other in a layered security strategy?

Question 5:

What are some challenges and considerations for implementing EDR solutions in an enterprise environment?


Question 1:

What is NTDLL, and how does it relate to Windows operating system internals?

Question 2:

What is NTDLL in the context of Windows operating systems?

Question 3:

How does NTDLL differ from other system DLLs like KERNEL32.dll?

Question 4:

What are some common functions and capabilities provided by NTDLL?

Native API

Question 1:

What is the Native API in Windows, and how is it different from the Windows API?

Question 2:

What is the Native API in the Windows operating system?

Question 3:

How does the Native API differ from the Win32 API?

Question 4:

What are some examples of functions provided by the Native API?

Question 5:

In what scenarios would a developer choose to use the Native API instead of the Win32 API?

Windows Driver

Question 1:

How do device drivers contribute to the Windows operating system's attack surface?

Question 2:

What is a Windows driver?

Question 3:

What are the different types of drivers in Windows?

Question 4:

How do you develop a Windows driver?

Question 5:

What are some common challenges faced when developing Windows drivers?


Question 1:

How can tunneling be used by attackers to evade network security controls?

Question 2:

What is tunneling in networking?

Question 3:

What are some common tunneling protocols used in networking?

Question 4:

What are some benefits of tunneling in networking?

Question 5:

How can red teams utilize tunneling techniques to obfuscate their activities during penetration testing engagements?

Shadow File

Question 1:

What is the shadow file in Windows, and why is it important for security?

Question 2:

What is a shadow file in the context of computer security?

Question 3:

How does the shadow file enhance security?

Question 4:

What information is typically stored in a shadow file?

Question 5:

How does the shadow file protect user passwords?

SAM File

Question 1:

What is the SAM file in Windows, and how does it relate to user authentication?

Question 2:

What is the SAM file in Windows operating systems?

Question 3:

What information is stored in the SAM file?

Question 4:

How is the SAM file used during the authentication process?

Question 5:

How can the SAM file be protected from unauthorized access?


Question 1:

What role does the Local Security Authority (LSA) play in Windows security?

Question 2:

What is the Local Security Authority (LSA) in Windows?

Question 3:

What are some key functions of the Local Security Authority?

Question 4:

How does the Local Security Authority interact with other Windows components?

Question 5:

What role does the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) play in Windows security?


Question 1:

What is LSASS, and why is it a high-value target for attackers?

Question 2:

What is LSASS (Local Security Authority Subsystem Service) in Windows?

Question 3:

What are the primary functions of LSASS?

Question 4:

How does LSASS contribute to system security?

Question 5:

What are some common security risks associated with LSASS?


Question 1:

What is WDIGEST, and how does it relate to security on the HTTP protocol?

Question 2:

What is WDIGEST in Windows and its role in security?

Question 3:

How does WDIGEST work?

Question 4:

What are the security concerns associated with WDIGEST?

Question 5:

How can organizations mitigate the risks associated with WDIGEST?


Question 1:

What is CredSSP, and how is it used for remote access in Windows environments?

Question 2:

What is CredSSP in Windows?

Question 3:

How does CredSSP facilitate secure authentication?

Question 4:

What are the advantages of using CredSSP for remote access?

Question 5:

What are some security considerations when using CredSSP?

Question 6:

How can organizations enhance the security of CredSSP-based remote access?


Question 1:

What is MSV, and how does it relate to NTLM authentication in Windows?

Question 2:

What is MSV (Microsoft Security Support Provider)?

Question 3:

How does MSV facilitate NTLM authentication?

Question 4:

What are the components involved in NTLM authentication with MSV?

Question 5:

What are some security considerations when using NTLM authentication with MSV?

Question 6:

How can organizations enhance the security of NTLM authentication with MSV?


Question 1:

What is LiveSSP, and how is it used for Windows Live authentication?

Question 2:

What is LiveSSP in Windows?

Question 3:

How does LiveSSP facilitate Windows Live Authentication?

Question 4:

What are the benefits of using LiveSSP for authentication?

Question 5:

What are some security considerations when using LiveSSP for authentication?

Question 6:

How can organizations enhance the security of LiveSSP-based authentication?


Question 1:

What is TSpkg, and how does it facilitate single sign-on (SSO) on Terminal Services?

Question 2:

What is TSpkg in the context of Windows Terminal Service?

Question 3:

How does TSpkg enable Single Sign-On (SSO) on Terminal Service?

Question 4:

What are the benefits of using TSpkg for Single Sign-On (SSO) on Terminal Service?

Question 5:

What are some security considerations when using TSpkg for Single Sign-On (SSO) on Terminal Service?

Question 6:

How can organizations enhance the security of TSpkg-based Single Sign-On (SSO) on Terminal Service?


Question 1:

What is CredMan, and how does it facilitate authentication on Internet Explorer or Edge browsers?

Question 2:

What is CredMan, and how is it used in the context of web browsers like Internet Explorer (IE) or Microsoft Edge?

Question 3:

How does CredMan enhance user experience in web browsers?

Question 4:

What security measures are in place to protect credentials stored by CredMan?

Question 5:

What are the potential risks associated with using CredMan for storing credentials in web browsers?

Question 6:

How can users mitigate the risks associated with storing credentials in CredMan?


Question 1:

What are EDR, NDR, and XDR, and how do they differ in terms of cybersecurity defense?

Question 2:

What do EDR, NDR, and XDR stand for in the context of cybersecurity?

Question 3:

How does EDR differ from traditional antivirus solutions?

Question 4:

What are the key capabilities of an EDR solution?

Question 5:

What is the role of NDR in network security?

Question 6:

How does XDR extend the capabilities of EDR and NDR solutions?

Question 7:

What are the benefits of adopting an XDR approach to cybersecurity?

Polymorphic Malware

Question 1:

What is polymorphic malware, and how does it differ from traditional malware?

Question 2:

Explain the concept of polymorphism in the context of malware.

Question 3:

What techniques are commonly used by polymorphic malware to evade detection?

Question 4:

Can you describe the difference between metamorphic and polymorphic malware?

Question 5:

How does polymorphic malware leverage encryption and obfuscation techniques?

Pass-the-Hash, Pass-the-Ticket or Build Golden Tickets

Question 1:

What is Pass-the-Hash (PtH) and how does it work in the context of cybersecurity?

Question 2:

Explain the concept of Pass-the-Ticket (PtT) and its significance in cybersecurity threats.

Question 3:

What are Golden Tickets, and how are they used in cyber attacks?

Question 4:

How do attackers build Golden Tickets, and what makes them dangerous in cybersecurity breaches?

Question 5:

What security measures can organizations implement to mitigate the risks posed by Pass-the-Hash, Pass-the-Ticket, and Golden Ticket attacks?


Question 1:

How can firewalls be bypassed by attackers?

Question 2:

What is a firewall, and what role does it play in network security?

Question 3:

What are the different types of firewalls?

Question 4:

What is the difference between a hardware firewall and a software firewall?

Question 5:

What are some common firewall deployment scenarios?

WinDBG (Windows Debugger)

Question 1:

What is WinDBG, and how is it used for debugging and analyzing Windows systems?

Question 2:

What is WinDBG, and what is its primary purpose?

Question 3:

How does WinDBG differ from other debugging tools?

Question 4:

What are some common use cases for WinDBG?

Question 5:

How do you set up WinDBG for debugging?

PE (Portable Executable)

Question 1:

What is the Portable Executable (PE) file format, and why is it important in Windows?

Question 2:

What is a Portable Executable (PE) file, and what is its significance in the Windows operating system?

Question 3:

Can you explain the structure of a Portable Executable (PE) file?

Question 4:

What common components are found within a Portable Executable (PE) file?

Question 5:

How are Portable Executable (PE) files loaded and executed by the Windows operating system?

Question 6:

What tools and utilities are used to analyze Portable Executable (PE) files?


Question 1:

How can attackers use ICMP for reconnaissance and exploitation?

Question 2:

What is ICMP, and what is its role in the TCP/IP protocol suite?

Question 3:

What are some common ICMP message types, and what do they signify?

Question 4:

How does ICMP differ from other protocols such as TCP and UDP?

Question 5:

How can ICMP be used for network reconnaissance and troubleshooting?

Question 6:

What security implications are associated with ICMP, and how can they be mitigated?

Major Microsoft frameworks for Windows

Question 1:

What are the major Microsoft frameworks used for Windows application development?

Question 2:

What are some major Microsoft frameworks commonly used for Windows development?

Question 3:

What are the key features of the .NET Framework?

Question 4:

What are some advantages of using ASP.NET for web development?

Question 5:

How does UWP differ from traditional Windows desktop applications?

Question 6:

How does .NET Core differ from the traditional .NET Framework?

Services and Processes

Question 1:

Abuse of Windows Services and Processes

Question 2:

Difference between Services and Processes

Question 3:

Viewing Running Services and Processes

Question 4:

Understanding System Services

Question 5:

Managing Windows Services

Question 6:

Svchost.exe and Multiple Instances

Question 7:

Troubleshooting High CPU/Memory Usage by svchost.exe


Question 1:

What is svchost.exe, and why is it significant for both the Windows operating system and potential attackers?

Question 2:

How can attackers abuse svchost.exe for persistence and privilege escalation in a Windows environment?

Question 3:

What are some common techniques attackers use to hide their malicious activities within svchost.exe?

Question 4:

How can defenders detect and mitigate threats involving svchost.exe abuse?

Question 5:

What role does svchost.exe play in lateral movement and propagation within a compromised network?

Question 6:

What is svchost.exe, and why is it important in Windows?

CIM Class

Question 1:

What is CIM (Common Information Model), and how is it used for system management in Windows?

Question 2:

What is the role of CIM within the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) infrastructure, and how does it enhance system management capabilities?

Question 3:

How can administrators interact with CIM classes and objects in Windows for system management purposes?

Question 4:

What are some common use cases for CIM/WMI in Windows system administration?

Question 5:

How does CIM/WMI contribute to automation and orchestration in Windows system administration?

CDB, NTSD, KD, Gflags, GflagsX, PE Explorer

Question 1:

What are CDB, NTSD, KD, Gflags, GflagsX, and PE Explorer, and how are they used in Windows debugging and analysis?

Question 2:

What are CDB, NTSD, and KD in the context of Windows debugging?

Question 3:

What is Gflags, and how is it used in Windows debugging?

Question 4:

What is PE Explorer, and how is it used in Windows debugging?

Question 5:

How do GflagsX and PE Explorer streamline the debugging workflow compared to their command-line counterparts?

Sysinternals Suite (tools)

Question 1:

What is the Sysinternals Suite, and what are some of the commonly used tools in the suite?

Question 2:

What is the Sysinternals Suite, and why is it valuable for Windows troubleshooting and debugging?

Question 3:

What is Process Explorer, and how is it used for troubleshooting and debugging?

Question 4:

How does Autoruns contribute to system troubleshooting and debugging?

Undocumented Functions

Question 1:

What are undocumented functions in Windows, and why are they important for Red Team operations?

Question 2:

What are undocumented functions in Windows, and why are they significant for security researchers and malware developers?

Question 3:

How can security researchers discover and analyze undocumented functions in Windows?

Process Explorer vs Process Hacker

Question 1:

What are Process Explorer and Process Hacker, and how do they differ in terms of functionality?

Question 2:

What are Process Explorer and Process Hacker, and how do they differ?

Question 3:

How can Process Explorer or Process Hacker be used to identify suspicious or malicious processes?

CLR (Common Language Runtime)

Question 1:

What is the Common Language Runtime (CLR), and how does it facilitate managed code execution in Windows?

Question 2:

What is the Common Language Runtime (CLR) in the context of the .NET Framework?

Question 3:

What are the key components of the Common Language Runtime (CLR)?


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HADESS performs offensive cybersecurity services through infrastructures and software that include vulnerability analysis, scenario attack planning, and implementation of custom-integrated preventive projects. We organized our activities around the prevention of corporate, industrial, and laboratory cyber threats.