

High-resolution Iterative Feedback Network for Camouflaged Object Detection(AAA23)

The more qualitative results of HitNet on four benchmarks (CAMO, CHAMELEON, NC4K, COD10K) have already been stored in Google Drive. <br>

The pretrained model is stored in Google Drive. After downloading, please put it in the pretrained_pvt fold.

Our well-trained model is stored in Google Drive, which should be moved into the fold 'model_pth'. Google driver is out of service, please refer to Huggingface.If you have any quesetion, please let me know!

run sh train.sh for training, test.sh for testing.

benchmark <br>


  title={High-resolution Iterative Feedback Network for Camouflaged Object Detection},
  author={Hu, Xiaobin and  Wang,Shuo and Qin, Xuebin and Dai, Hang and Ren, Wenqi and Tai, Ying and Wang, Chengjie and Shao, Ling},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.11624},

  title={High-resolution iterative feedback network for camouflaged object detection},
  author={Hu, Xiaobin and Wang, Shuo and Qin, Xuebin and Dai, Hang and Ren, Wenqi and Luo, Donghao and Tai, Ying and Shao, Ling},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},