

DrugGEN: Target Centric De Novo Design of Drug Candidate Molecules with Graph Generative Deep Adversarial Networks

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/HUBioDataLab/DrugGEN/files/10828402/2302.07868.pdf"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/paper-report-red"/></a> <a href="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPLv3-blue.svg"/></a> </p> <!--PUT HERE SOME QUALITATIVE RESULTS IN THE ASSETS FOLDER--> <!--YOU CAN PUT ALSO IN THE GIF OR PNG FORMAT --> <!--<p float="center"> <img src="assets/sample1.png" width="49%" /> <img src="assets/sample2.png" width="49%" /> </p>-->

Updated Pre-print!

Please see our most up-to-date document (pre-print) from 15.02.2023 here: 2302.07868.pdf, arXiv link



Discovering novel drug candidate molecules is one of the most fundamental and critical steps in drug development. Generative deep learning models, which create synthetic data given a probability distribution, have been developed with the purpose of picking completely new samples from a partially known space. Generative models offer high potential for designing de novo molecules; however, in order for them to be useful in real-life drug development pipelines, these models should be able to design target-specific molecules, which is the next step in this field. In this study, we propose DrugGEN, for the de novo design of drug candidate molecules that interact with selected target proteins. The proposed system represents compounds and protein structures as graphs and processes them via serially connected two generative adversarial networks comprising graph transformers. DrugGEN is trained using a large dataset of compounds from ChEMBL and target-specific bioactive molecules, to design effective and specific inhibitory molecules against the AKT1 protein, which has critical importance for developing treatments against various types of cancer. On fundamental benchmarks, DrugGEN models have either competitive or better performance against other methods. To assess the target-specific generation performance, we conducted further in silico analysis with molecular docking and deep learning-based bioactivity prediction. Results indicate that de novo molecules have high potential for interacting with the AKT1 protein structure in the level of its native ligand. DrugGEN can be used to design completely novel and effective target-specific drug candidate molecules for any druggable protein, given target features and a dataset of experimental bioactivities. Code base, datasets, results and trained models of DrugGEN are available in this repository.

Our up-to-date pre-print is shared here

<!--Check out our paper below for more details > [**DrugGEN: Target Centric De Novo Design of Drug Candidate Molecules with Graph Generative Deep Adversarial Networks **](link here), > [Atabey Ünlü](https://tr.linkedin.com/in/atabeyunlu), [Elif Çevrim](https://www.linkedin.com/in/elifcevrim/?locale=en_US), [Ahmet Sarıgün](https://asarigun.github.io/), [Heval Ataş](https://www.linkedin.com/in/heval-atas/), [Altay Koyaş](https://www.linkedin.com/in/altay-koya%C5%9F-8a6118a1/?originalSubdomain=tr), [Hayriye Çelikbilek](https://www.linkedin.com/in/hayriye-celikbilek/?originalSubdomain=tr), [Deniz Cansen Kahraman](https://www.linkedin.com/in/deniz-cansen-kahraman-6153894b/?originalSubdomain=tr), [Abdurrahman Olğaç](https://www.linkedin.com/in/aolgac/?originalSubdomain=tr), [Ahmet S. Rifaioğlu](https://saezlab.org/person/ahmet-sureyya-rifaioglu/), [Tunca Doğan](https://yunus.hacettepe.edu.tr/~tuncadogan/) > *Arxiv, 2020* -->


<!--PUT THE ANIMATED GIF VERSION OF THE DRUGGEN MODEL (Figure 1)--> <p float="center"> <img src="assets/DrugGEN_Figure1_final_v1.gif" width="100%" /> </p>

Fig. 1. (A) Generator (G1) of the GAN1 consists of an MLP and graph transformer encoder module. The generator encodes the given input into a new representation; (B) the MLP-based discriminator (D1) of GAN1 compares the generated de novo molecules to the real ones in the training dataset, scoring them for their assignment to the classes of “real” and “fake” molecules; (C) Generator (G2) of GAN2 makes use of the transformer decoder architecture to process target protein features and GAN1 generated de novo molecules together. The output of the generator two (G2) is the modified molecules, based on the given protein features; (D) the second discriminator (D2) takes the modified de novo molecules and known inhibitors of the given target protein and scores them for their assignment to the classes of “real” and “fake” inhibitors.


Transformer Modules

Given a random noise z, the first generator G1 (below, on the left side) creates annotation and adjacency matrices of a supposed molecule. G1 processes the input by passing it through a multi-layer perceptron (MLP). The input is then fed to the transformer encoder module Vaswani et al., (2017), which has a depth of 8 encoder layers with 8 multi-head attention heads for each. In the graph transformer setting, Q, K and V are the variables representing the annotation matrix of the molecule. After the final products are created in the attention mechanism, both the annotation and adjacency matrices are forwarded to layer normalization and then summed with the initial matrices to create a residual connection. These matrices are fed to separate feedforward layers, and finally, given to the discriminator network D1 together with real molecules.

The second generator G2 (below, on the right side) modifies molecules that were previously generated by G1, with the aim of generating binders for the given target protein. G2 module utilizes the transformer decoder architecture. This module has a depth of 8 decoder layers and uses 8 multi-head attention heads for each. G2 takes both G1(z), which is data generated by G1, and the protein features as input. Interactions between molecules and proteins are processed inside the multi-head attention module via taking their scaled dot product, and thus, new molecular graphs are created. Apart from the attention mechanism, further processing of the molecular matrices follows the same workflow as the transformer encoder. The output of this module are the final product of the DrugGEN model and are forwarded to D2.

<!--PUT HERE 1-2 SENTECE FOR METHOD WHICH SHOULD BE SHORT Pleaser refer to our [arXiv report](link here) for further details.--> <!-- - supports both CPU and GPU inference (though GPU is way faster), --> <!-- ADD HERE SOME FEATURES FOR DRUGGEN & SUMMARIES & BULLET POINTS --> <!-- ADD THE ANIMATED GIF VERSION OF THE GAN1 AND GAN2 -->
First GeneratorSecond Generator


Model Variations


Files & Folders

We provide the implementation of the DrugGEN, along with scripts from PyTorch Geometric framework to generate and run. The repository is organised as follows:

data contains:

experiments contains:

Python scripts:



Three different data types (i.e., compound, protein, and bioactivity) were retrieved from various data sources to train our deep generative models. GAN1 module requires only compound data while GAN2 requires all of three data types including compound, protein, and bioactivity.

<!-- To enhance the size of the bioactivity dataset, we also obtained two alternative versions by incorporating ligand interactions of protein members in non-specific serine/threonine kinase (STK) and kinase families. -->

More details on the construction of datasets can be found in our paper referenced above.



Getting Started

DrugGEN has been implemented and tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with python >= 3.9. It supports both GPU and CPU inference.

Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/HUBioDataLab/DrugGEN.git
<!--## Running the Demo You could try Google Colab if you don't already have a suitable environment for running this project. It enables cost-free project execution in the cloud. You can use the provided notebook to try out our Colab demo: [![Open In Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg)](Give a link here)-->



Setting up environment

You can set up the environment using either conda or pip.

Here is with conda:

# set up the environment (installs the requirements):

conda env create -f DrugGEN/dependencies.yml

# activate the environment:

conda activate druggen

Here is with pip using virtual environment:

python -m venv DrugGEN/.venv
pip install -r DrugGEN/requirements.txt

Starting the training

# Download input files:

cd DrugGEN/data

bash dataset_download.sh


# DrugGEN can be trained with the one-liner:

python DrugGEN/main.py --submodel="CrossLoss" --mode="train" --raw_file="DrugGEN/data/chembl_train.smi" --dataset_file="chembl45_train.pt" --drug_raw_file="DrugGEN/data/akt_train.smi" --drug_dataset_file="drugs_train.pt" --max_atom=45

** Explanations of arguments can be found below:

Model arguments:
  --submodel SUBMODEL       Choose the submodel for training
  --act ACT                 Activation function for the model
  --z_dim Z_DIM             Prior noise for the first GAN
  --max_atom MAX ATOM       Maximum atom number for molecules must be specified
  --lambda_gp LAMBDA_GP     Gradient penalty lambda multiplier for the first GAN
  --dim DIM                 Dimension of the Transformer models for both GANs
  --depth DEPTH             Depth of the Transformer model from the first GAN
  --heads HEADS             Number of heads for the MultiHeadAttention module from the first GAN
  --dec_depth DEC_DEPTH     Depth of the Transformer model from the second GAN
  --dec_heads DEC_HEADS     Number of heads for the MultiHeadAttention module from the second GAN
  --mlp_ratio MLP_RATIO     MLP ratio for the Transformers
  --dis_select DIS_SELECT   Select the discriminator for the first and second GAN
  --init_type INIT_TYPE     Initialization type for the model
  --dropout DROPOUT         Dropout rate for the encoder
  --dec_dropout DEC_DROPOUT Dropout rate for the decoder
Training arguments:
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE   Batch size for the training
  --epoch EPOCH             Epoch number for Training
  --warm_up_steps           Warm up steps for the first GAN
  --g_lr G_LR               Learning rate for G
  --g2_lr G2_LR             Learning rate for G2
  --d_lr D_LR               Learning rate for D
  --d2_lr D2_LR             Learning rate for D2      
  --n_critic N_CRITIC       Number of D updates per each G update
  --beta1 BETA1             Beta1 for Adam optimizer
  --beta2 BETA2             Beta2 for Adam optimizer 
  --clipping_value          Clipping value for the gradient clipping process
  --resume_iters            Resume training from this step for fine tuning if desired
Dataset arguments:      
  --features FEATURES       Additional node features (Boolean) (Please check new_dataloader.py Line 102)


Molecule Generation Using Trained DrugGEN Models in the Inference Mode

python DrugGEN/main.py --submodel="{Chosen model name}" --mode="inference" --inference_model="DrugGEN/experiments/models/{Chosen model name}"


Results (De Novo Generated Molecules of DrugGEN Models)

structures Fig. 2. Promising de novo molecules to effectively target AKT1 protein (generated by DrugGEN models), selected via expert curation from the dataset of molecules with sufficiently low binding free energies (< -9 kcal/mol) in the molecular docking experiment.





    doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2302.07868},
    title={Target Specific De Novo Design of Drug Candidate Molecules with Graph Transformer-based Generative Adversarial Networks},
    author={Atabey Ünlü and Elif Çevrim and Ahmet Sarıgün and Hayriye Çelikbilek and Heval Ataş Güvenilir and Altay Koyaş and Deniz Cansen Kahraman and Abdurrahman Olğaç and Ahmet Rifaioğlu and Tunca Doğan},

Ünlü, A., Çevrim, E., Sarıgün, A., Çelikbilek, H., Güvenilir, H.A., Koyaş, A., Kahraman, D.C., Olğaç, A., Rifaioğlu, A., Doğan, T. (2023). Target Specific De Novo Design of Drug Candidate Molecules with Graph Transformer-based Generative Adversarial Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.07868.



In each file, we indicate whether a function or script is imported from another source. Here are some excellent sources from which we benefit from:


Our initial project repository was this one.



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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.