


Version 1.0


MODIS and Landsat surface reflectance products have complementary characteristics in terms of spatial and temporal resolutions. To fully exploit these datasets, the Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (STARFM) was developed by Gao et al. (2006). The STARFM approach blends the high-frequency temporal information from MODIS and the high-resolution spatial information from Landsat to generate synthetic surface reflectance products at 30m spatial resolution and daily temporal resolution. STARFM uses one or more pairs of Landsat-MODIS images collected on the same dates to predict surface reflectance at Landsat resolution on other MODIS observation dates. In order to better predict the reflectance of sub-pixel consisting of heterogeneous landscapes, an enhanced STARFM (ESTARFM) was developed by Zhu et al. (2010), which is based on the spectral unmixing theory and uses a “conversion coefficient” to help the prediction. However, the computational performance of ESTARFM has been a bottleneck for mass production.

To overcome the computational barrier and support mass production of large-size images, we designed and implemented a GPU-enabled ESTARFM program based on the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), called cuESTARFM. By taking advantages of the large amount of concurrent computing threads of a GPU, cuESTARFM can greatly reduce the computing time and improve the computational performance. Experiments showed that cuESTARFM achieved a speedup of 75 using a Nvidia Tesla K40 GPU, compared with a sequential ESTARFM program running on an Intel Xeon E3-1226 CPU.

Key features of cuESTARFM:


To Cite cuESTARFM in Publications




#The number of input pairs of Landsat-MODIS images (>=2)

#The input MODIS images
#File names are separated by space
IN_PAIR_MODIS_FNAME = D:\cuda\shikong\testdata\M_2002_01_04.tif D:\cuda\shikong\testdata\M_2002_02_21.tif

#The input Landsat images
#File names are separated by space
IN_PAIR_LANDSAT_FNAME = D:\cuda\shikong\testdata\L_2002_01_04.tif D:\cuda\shikong\testdata\L_2002_02_21.tif

#The MODIS images for the prediction dates
#Multiple images can be given
#File names are separated by space
IN_PDAY_MODIS_FNAME = D:\cuda\shikong\testdata\M_2002_02_12.tif

#The output synthetic prediction images
#Multiple images can be given
#File names are separated by space
OUT_PDAY_LANDSAT_FNAME = D:\cuda\shikong\testdata\estr.tif

#The_width of searching_window
The_width_of_searching_window = 51

#Assumed_number of classifications
Assumed_number_of_classifications = 6

#Landsat sensor error
sensor_uncertain = 0.0028

#Output image format (optional)
#Will be used when the extension of the output files
#is not given
G_Type = GTIff