

Algernon Launcher

GitHub release Github All Releases smalltalkCI Master: Coverage Master Development: Coverage Development

<p align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/44369294/89326002-e93a5800-d689-11ea-89f0-d685e7a4f1e9.png" width="465" alt="Algernon"/> </p>

Algernon is a productivity tool for Squeak programmers; your personal assistant for Squeak. Algernon aims to make programming in Squeak faster and more keyboard centric. It provides lightning quick access to the core functionalities (classes, methods, morphs, tests, repositories ...) and even gives you a quick way to evaluate Smalltalk expressions.


Follow our setup guide to install Algernon.

The latest versions (above 3.0.0) only support squeak versions 5.3+.


Algernon allows for keyboard only interaction - no need to use your mouse!

Doubleclick ctrlShow Algernon
EscHide Algernon
Arrow upNavigate up
Arrow downNavigate down
TabNavigate in
Shift + TabNavigate out
EnterRun selected item

Important Notice: Please be aware that using Algernon for the first time might be slow. The first query triggers the indexing that is used for searching objects. After a few seconds delay in the first query, Algernon should run fast as expected.


For explanations regarding the usage of the features check out the wiki.

CI Pipeline

GitHub Actions are executed on all pushed code to the repository. Smalltalk CI checks run for different OS and displays the the test results as badges to each branch.

Test Coverage

Use the Test Runner Tool in your Squeak Image and select all AlgernonTests. Now you can run the test coverage for all Algernon methods and check what methods might not be tested yet.


Credits to Erik Hinterbichler and Joey Hagedorn, the original creators of Algernon.