

Automated Model Design and Benchmarking of 3D Deep Learning Models for COVID-19 Detection with Chest CT Scans

Accepted in AAAI-2021.

  title={Automated Model Design and Benchmarking of 3D Deep Learning Models for COVID-19 Detection with Chest CT Scans}, 
  journal={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, 
  author={He, Xin and Wang, Shihao and Chu, Xiaowen and Shi, Shaohuai and Tang, Jiangping and Liu, Xin and Yan, Chenggang and Zhang, Jiyong and Ding, Guiguang}, 


pip install -r requirements.txt



<table class="tg"> <thead> <tr> <th class="tg-0pky" rowspan="2">Dataset</th> <th class="tg-0pky" rowspan="2">Class</th> <th class="tg-0pky" colspan="2">#Patients</th> <th class="tg-0pky" colspan="2">#Scans</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="tg-0pky">Train</td> <td class="tg-0pky">Test</td> <td class="tg-0pky">Train</td> <td class="tg-0lax">Test</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="tg-c3ow" rowspan="3">CC-CCII</td> <td class="tg-0pky">NCP</td> <td class="tg-0pky">726</td> <td class="tg-0pky">190</td> <td class="tg-0pky">1213</td> <td class="tg-0lax">302</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tg-0lax">CP</td> <td class="tg-0lax">778</td> <td class="tg-0lax">186</td> <td class="tg-0lax">1210</td> <td class="tg-0lax">303</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tg-0lax">Normal</td> <td class="tg-0lax">660</td> <td class="tg-0lax">158</td> <td class="tg-0lax">772</td> <td class="tg-0lax">193</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tg-0lax" rowspan="2">MosMed</td> <td class="tg-0lax">NCP</td> <td class="tg-0lax">604</td> <td class="tg-0lax">255</td> <td class="tg-0lax">601</td> <td class="tg-0lax">255</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tg-0lax">Normal</td> <td class="tg-0lax">178</td> <td class="tg-0lax">76</td> <td class="tg-0lax">178</td> <td class="tg-0lax">76</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tg-0lax" rowspan="2">COVID-CTset</td> <td class="tg-0lax">NCP</td> <td class="tg-0lax">202</td> <td class="tg-0lax">42</td> <td class="tg-0lax">202</td> <td class="tg-0lax">42</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tg-0pky">Normal</td> <td class="tg-0pky">200</td> <td class="tg-0pky">82</td> <td class="tg-0pky">200</td> <td class="tg-0lax">82</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>


bash scripts/search_ct.sh

A logger directory will be created according to the logger.name in config file, with the following structure:

Supporse logger.name=MyExp

        |_version_0 ()


bash scripts/retrain_ct.sh

The commands in retrain_ct.sh are as follows:

srun -n 1 --cpus-per-task 2 python -m ipdb retrain.py \
--config_file outputs/checkpoint/version_0/search_ct.yaml \
--arc_path outputs/checkpoint/version_0/epoch_0.json  \
input.size [128,128]

You should manually set config_file and arc_path. The image size in the search stage is 64x64. Here, in the retraining stage, you should specify a larger image size.

arc_path indicates which architecture you want to retrain. You can select it based on their perfomance in the search stage.

The following directory will be created:

        |_version_0 (search stage)
        |_version_0_retrain_0 (retraining stage)
            |_best_acc0.96_epoch13.pth (file name records the best acc and the corresponding epoch)
            |_othe files
        |_version_0_retrain_1 (results of other architectures if you select other architecture json file.)


You may need to upgrade your scikit-learn lib.