

Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning On Whole-Slide Pathological Images

Pytorch implementation for the multiple instance learning model described in the paper Interventional Bag Multi-Instance Learning On Whole-Slide Pathological Images (CVPR 2023, selected as a highlight).


a. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it.

conda create -n ibmil python=3.7 -y
conda activate ibmil

b. Install PyTorch and torchvision following the official instructions, e.g.,

conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

c. Install other third-party libraries.

Stage 1: Data pre-processing and computing features

Please refer to dsmil for these steps.

Stage 2: Training aggregator and generating confounder

The aggregator is firstly trained with bag-level labels end to end.

Confounder is then generated with pre-trained aggregator.

An example with feature extractor of ImageNet-pretrained ResNet-18, MIL model of abmil, dataset of Camelyon16, load_path of pretrained_weights/agg.pth:

python train_tcga.py --num_classes 1 --dataset Camelyon16_Img_nor --agg no --feats_size 512 --model abmil
python clustering.py --num_classes 1 --dataset Camelyon16_Img_nor --feats_size 512 --model abmil --load_path pretrained_weights/agg.pth

Stage 3: Interventional training

The proposed interventional training for MIL models.

An example with feature extractor of ImageNet-pretrained ResNet-18, MIL model of abmil, dataset of Camelyon16, c_path of datasets_deconf/Camelyon16_Img_nor/train_bag_cls_agnostic_feats_proto_8.npy:

python train_tcga.py --num_classes 1 --dataset Camelyon16_Img_nor --agg no --feats_size 512   --model abmil --c_path datasets_deconf/Camelyon16_Img_nor/train_bag_cls_agnostic_feats_proto_8.npy

Citing IBMIL

  title={Interventional bag multi-instance learning on whole-slide pathological images},
  author={Lin, Tiancheng and Yu, Zhimiao and Hu, Hongyu and Xu, Yi and Chen, Chang-Wen},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},