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A TensorBoard JupyterLab plugin.


python >= 3.6

Please install the following dependencies before installing this project:



pip install jupyterlab-tensorboard-pro
pip install jupyterlab-tensorboard-pro~=3.0

only jupyterlab support, not include notebook


In fact, there are already jupyterlab_tensorboard (front-end plugin) and jupyter_tensorboard (back-end plugin) in the community, but both repositories have not been updated for a long time, and some new repair PRs have not been merged in time. Based on this, maybe the project author is no longer actively maintaining the corresponding repositories.

At the same time, the existing community TensorBoard plugin has some experience problems, such as installing two python packages at the same time, no response for a long time after clicking TensorBoard, and the TensorBoard Reload time cannot be set. The interactive experience is not friendly enough, which will also affect the user's JupyterLab experience.

Therefore, this project is forked from the existing projects of the community, and we made some positive changes, contained some previous PRs which are helpful but have not been merged for the time being. This repo will to be maintained for a long time in the future.

This repo has also changed the api name, so it can be completely independent of the above plugins.

Special thanks to the developers of the previous related repositories.


Create Instance

Create from Launcher Panel

We can click the TensorBoard icon from the Launcher panel, the first click will take you to a default initialization panel from which we can create a TensorBoard instance. But if there is an active TensorBoard backend at this time, it will be opened directly.

Create by Shortcut Command

We can also type Open TensorBoard in the JupyterLab shortcut panel (evoked by ctrl + shift + c)


In the initialization panel, two parameters are provided:

Select the parameters and click Create TensorBoard, and the TensorBoard instance will be created synchronously. At this time, the jupyter backend is blocking, please wait for the instance to be created before performing other operations.

Manage Instances

After the instance of TensorBoard is created, we can manage the instance. Currently, the following functions are provided:

In addition, for the TensorBoard instance we created, it can be managed in the Kernel management panel of Jupyter, providing functions such as jumping to the corresponding instance and deleting.

Use AWS S3

It is assumed here that you have some experience with aws s3

TensorBoard supports passing an s3 path via s3://path/to/dir, which is also supported in this plugin.

However, because the s3 path is usually not directly accessible, you need to configure some basic information through aws configure (download aws cli), Usually, the system where JupyterLab is running should have the following files:

# ~/.aws/config
region = ap-southeast-1
output = json

# ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = ********
aws_secret_access_key = ********

Then you need to install some additional dependencies:

pip install botocore boto3 tensorflow-io

After that, you can enter an s3 path, then click the refresh button of tensorboard, and wait the loading:

In fact, the status prompt of tensorboard itself is not friendly now, and we will further investigate whether there is a better way to experience it later.


You can use jupyter-lab --debug to enable debug logging for JupyterLab and TensorBoard.


jlpm install
pip install jupyter_packaging
jlpm run install:client
jlpm run install:server
ln -s /path/to/jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro jupyterlab_tensorboard_pro
# after above maybe you need create use a soft link to hot update

watch frontend:

jlpm run watch


python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal

Under normal circumstances, you can just submit MR, the developers of this project will package and publish to pypi.