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Flashing has only been tested with a GBxCart, flashing both 1MB sections requires this custom software, which is a modified version of InsideGadget's 2x2MB MBC3 software, or FlashGBX v3.2 and above.


ReferencePart NumberDescription
C14x4.5mm 22uF22uF 16V 4x4.5 Electrolytic Capacitor
C2, C3, C4, C12, C13TCC0603X7R104J500CT100nF 0603 Capacitor
C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11CC0402KRX7R7BB104100nF 0402 Capacitor
C14, C15CC0603JRNPO9BN22022pF 0603 Capacitor
R1RC0603JR-071KL1K Ω 0603 Resistor
D1DiodeHarvest D2 from original cartridge
J1B9B-ZR-SM4-TFCamera Connector, Harvest or buy (JST ZH1.5MM 9 Pin)
SW1K3-1296S-E1SPDT Switch (For 2x1MB Rom Switching)
U1MAC-GBDHarvest U1 from original cartridge
U2AM29F0162MB Flash
U4TPRT9013-33G3.3V Voltage Regulator

Interactive BOM

Makes use of djedditt's gamepak footprint

Looking for a ready to use flashcart? check out InsideGadgets custom flashcart, the Insidegadgets' PicNRec AIO