This application acts as an GUI to the ROSPlan Knowledge Base. This is the deliverable product of the master's dissertation.
Currently, users can view KB data as it updates. Users may also update and remove the most recent predicate data through the application. The user cannot currently add new instances or proposition data: this is in development.
Reccommended setup: Ubuntu 18.04 and ros-melodic
Required software: ROSPlan
Required file: A ROSPlan launchfile configured for compatible domains.
(optional) A package manager: either Anaconda or virtualenv.
Installation Guide
Clone the repository
git clone
Navigate inside the repository directory
cd rosplan_gui
Install Dependencies
If using Anaconda:
conda env create --name <envname> --file=environment.yml
If using virtualenv
python3 -m venv <envname>
source <envname>/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
If using the base PC
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running Instructions
Launch the ROSPlan launchfile
roslaunch <launchfile>.launch
Run the main file
python <path-to-repository>/src/
Call wanted ROSPlan rosservices e.g. problem generation, planning or plan execution