

Reinforced FDM: Multi-Axis Filament Alignment with Controlled Anisotropic Strength

Project Page, Video Link

Guoxin Fang, Tianyu Zhang, Sikai Zhong, Xiangjia Chen, Zichun Zhong, Charlie C.L. Wang,

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Asia 2020), vol.39, no.6, article no.204, 2020.

Updated: July-02-2021

This is the code to slice the given model with curved 3D printing layers and generate a toolpath based on the stress distribution. The generated toolpath can be printed by the multi-axis 3D printer, which results in a higher strength in the fabricated model.


Please compile the code with QMake file 'ReinforcedFDM.pro'.

Tested platform:

macOS: QT Creator

Windows (recommand): Visual Studio + QT-plugin (tested QT version: 5.12.10 + msvc2017_64)

Remark: if you are using Visual Studio, after using QT VS Tool to open the .pro file and generate the project,


First input tetrahedral mesh into the system.

Three sample models are given 'Bunnyhead.tet', 'topopt_new.tet', and 'YogaNew.tet'. You can either drag the file into the blank area of the UI or open the panel "file -> open" and then select the model.

Step 1: Input FEA simulation result and compute principal stress direction as vector field by clicking bottom 'Step 1: Input FEA Result'.

Step 2: Compute Field (for both vector field and scalar field) by clicking bottom 'Step 2: Field Computing'. This process may take some time to compute the optimized field.

Step 3: Slicing the model and generate curved layer by clicking bottom 'Step 3: Curved Layer Slicer'. You can change the Layer # with a different value on the right side.

Step 4: Compute vector field on each curved surface (for toolpath generation) by clicking ' Step 4: Compute Field on Iso-Surface'.

Step 5: Split and output generated curved surface by clicking ' Step 5: Output Layer Below'. The curved surface will be installed at folder "./model/IsoSurface/ModelName/"

Step 6: Toolpath Generation by clicking 'Step 6: Toolpath Generation (New)'.

Fabrication Enabling

Singularity-Aware Motion Planning for Multi-Axis Additive Manufacturing

Tianyu Zhang, Xiangjia Chen, Guoxin Fang, Yingjun Tian, and Charlie C.L. Wang. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Presented at IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2021), Lyon, France, August 23-27, 2021