


Official PyTorch implementation of ECCV 2022 paper: Mining Relations among Cross-Frame Affinities for Video Semantic Segmentation


The essence of video semantic segmentation (VSS) is how to leverage temporal information for prediction. Previous efforts are mainly devoted to developing new techniques to calculate the cross-frame affinities such as optical flow and attention. Instead, this paper contributes from a different angle by mining relations among cross-frame affinities, upon which better temporal information aggregation could be achieved. We explore relations among affinities in two aspects: single-scale intrinsic correlations and multi-scale relations. Inspired by traditional feature processing, we propose Single-scale Affinity Refinement (SAR) and Multi-scale Affinity Aggregation (MAA). To make it feasible to execute MAA, we propose a Selective Token Masking (STM) strategy to select a subset of consistent reference tokens for different scales when calculating affinities, which also improves the efficiency of our method. At last, the cross-frame affinities strengthened by SAR and MAA are adopted for adaptively aggregating temporal information. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably against state-of-the-art VSS methods.

block images

Authors: Guolei Sun, Yun Liu, Hao Tang, Ajad Chhatkuli, Le Zhang, Luc Van Gool.


This is a preliminary version for early access and I will clean it for better readability.


Please follow the guidelines in MMSegmentation v0.13.0.

Other requirements: timm==0.3.0, CUDA11.0, pytorch==1.7.1, torchvision==0.8.2, mmcv==1.3.0, opencv-python==4.5.2

Download this repository and install by:

cd VSS-MRCFA && pip install -e . --user


Data preparation

Please follow VSPW to download VSPW 480P dataset. After correctly downloading, the file system is as follows:

├── video1
    ├── origin
        ├── .jpg
    └── mask
        └── .png

The dataset should be put in VSS-MRCFA/data/vspw/. Or you can use Symlink:

mkdir -p data/vspw/
ln -s /dataset_path/VSPW_480p data/vspw/


  1. Download the trained weights from here.
  2. Run the following commands:
# Multi-gpu testing
./tools/dist_test.sh local_configs/mrcfa/B1/mrcfa.b1.480x480.vspw2.160k.py /path/to/checkpoint_file <GPU_NUM> \
--out /path/to/save_results/res.pkl


Training requires 4 Nvidia GPUs, each of which has > 20G GPU memory.

# Multi-gpu training
./tools/dist_train.sh local_configs/mrcfa/B1/mrcfa.b1.480x480.vspw2.160k.py 4 --work-dir model_path/vspw2/work_dirs_4g_b1


This project is only for academic use. For other purposes, please contact us.


The code is heavily based on the following repositories:

Thanks for their amazing works.


  title={Mining Relations among Cross-Frame Affinities for Video Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Sun, Guolei and Liu, Yun and Tang, Hao and Chhatkuli, Ajad and Zhang, Le and Van Gool, Luc},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.10436},
