

IDAGraphity Logo

IDAGraphity: An Interactive Binary Data Visualization Plugin for IDA Pro.

🚀 Installation

In order to use this plugin, the content of the "plugin" folder must be placed in the "IDA/plugins/" folder.

The IDAGraphity.py file must be edited for the first run: the PLUGIN_DIR variable must be updated with the full path of the IDA plugin directory.

🔌 Supported versions

IDAPython version 3 must be installed.

Support for IDA Pro starting at version 7.

⚙️ Configuration

The plugin is available under IDA: "Edit -> Plugins -> IDAGraphity".

Some configurations options are available:

IDAGraphity Logo

🪄 Usage

A similar output can be observed in the IDA Pro "Output" tab when a graph is generated:

IDAGraphity plugin: 436 Nodes created
IDAGraphity plugin: 2236 Links created
IDAGraphity plugin: Object saved under "Z:\Samples\C:\Tools\IDA 7.7\IDA 7.7\plugins\IDAGraphity\d3.json"
--- 0.182326078414917 seconds ---

A browser window will be open with the result of the constructed graph. For instance: IDAGraphity Logo

The following aspect may help understand the generated layout when browsing the graph:

💢 Troubleshooting and current limitations

🎉 Showcase

IDAGraphity Logo 1) A graph with a lot of nodes gravitating around a central point

IDAGraphity Logo 2) Distinctions between user code functions and library functions with customs colors

IDAGraphity Logo 3) A graph without nodes names and custom colors for the show

IDAGraphity Logo 4) A graph produced with a capa file that display the behavior of the functions

IDAGraphity Logo 5) A subset of a bigger graph selected by the user, with library functions and external Windows API nodes

IDAGraphity Logo 6) Information box in the top-left corner displayed on node hover which shows a persistence mechanism

IDAGraphity Logo 7) A huge scary monster graph

✏️ Special mention

This plugin is heavily-inspired by this presentation from pinkflawd (https://twitter.com/pinkflawd) with her work on r2graphity.