


Command-line client for Nostr. Experimental.
Reference client for nmostr $\color{grey}{\textsf{— the Nim Nostr library }}$


# Use (and create) the account "first account" and post Hello world!
niomo post -a 'first account' Hello world!
# Show the global feed of your enabled relays
niomo show
# Add and enable a new relay
niomo relays add wss://relay.mostr.pub
# Echo 30 new keypairs
niomo account create 30 -e
# Unset default account, generating a new keypair for every post
niomo a s # Same as niomo account set
  niomo {SUBCMD}  [sub-command options & parameters]
where {SUBCMD} is one of:
  help      print comprehensive or per-cmd help
  show      show a post
  post      make a post
  accounts  manage your identities/keypairs. run `accounts help` for subsubcommands
  relays    manage what relays to send posts to. run `relays help` for subsubcommands

Commands can be shortened to any unique string, so niomo a l is the same as niomo accounts list

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