

A Toolbox for Image Feature Matching and Evaluations

In this repository, we provide easy interfaces for several exisiting SotA methods to match image feature correspondences between image pairs. We provide scripts to evaluate their predicted correspondences on common benchmarks for the tasks of image matching, homography estimation and visual localization.

TODOs & Updates

Comments from QJ: Currently I am quite busy with my study & work. So it will take some time before I release the next two TODOs.

Supported Methods & Evaluations

Sparse Keypoint-based Matching:

Semi-dense Matching:

Supported Evaluations :

Repository Overview

The repository is structured as follows:

👉Refer to install.md for details about installation.

👉Refer to evaluation.md for details about evaluation on benchmarks.

Example Code for Quick Testing

To use a specific method to perform the matching task, you simply need to do:

import immatch
import yaml
from immatch.utils import plot_matches

# Initialize model
with open('configs/patch2pix.yml', 'r') as f:
    args = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)['example']
model = immatch.__dict__[args['class']](args)
matcher = lambda im1, im2: model.match_pairs(im1, im2)

# Specify the image pair
im1 = 'third_party/patch2pix/examples/images/pair_2/1.jpg'
im2 = 'third_party/patch2pix/examples/images/pair_2/2.jpg'

# Match and visualize
matches, _, _, _ = matcher(im1, im2)    
plot_matches(im1, im2, matches, radius=2, lines=True)

example matches

👉 Try out the code using example notebook .


Regarding Patch2Pix

With this reprository, one can reproduce the tables reported in our paper accepted at CVPR2021: Patch2Pix: Epipolar-Guided Pixel-Level Correspondences[pdf]. Check our patch2pix repository for its training code.
