


REST interface to CAH card database


To install prerequisite Perl modules, you can simply use cpanminus:

cpanm --installdeps .

Or if you don't have cpanminus:

curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - --installdeps .


CAH card data is retrieved from a PostgreSQL database. Create a database named cah and a user named cah:

createdb cah
psql -c 'CREATE ROLE "cah" WITH LOGIN' cah

Import the card data from provided dump files into the database:

psql cah < dump/cah_cards.sql

Create a file named cah_cards.conf in the root directory to configure the connection, see cah_cards.conf.example.

Then, start the application as a daemon:

perl cah_cards.pl daemon -m production -l 'http://*:8080'

Or, you can start it under the Hypnotoad prefork server:

hypnotoad cah_cards.pl