


This Chef cookbook installs and configures the Graylog log management system.

It is using the official installation packages provided by Graylog, Inc.. It needs as requirement an installation of Java, Elasticsearch and MongoDB.



To give this cookbook a try simply use the Kitchen test suite.

kitchen setup openjdk-ubuntu-2004
open http://localhost:9000
Login with admin/admin


The cookbook contains several recipes for different installation setups. Pick only the recipes you need for your environment.

defaultSetup the Graylog package repository
serverInstall Graylog server
authbindGive the Graylog user access to privileged ports like 514 (only on Ubuntu/Debian)
sidecarInstall Graylog sidecar

In a minimal setup you need at least the default and server recipes. Combined with MongoDB and Elasticsearch, a run list might look like this:

run_list "recipe[elasticsearch]",

Please refer to Graylog's System Requirements for the appropriate versions of MongoDB and Elasticsearch.


You have to use a certain version of Elasticsearch for every Graylog Version, currently this is 7.10.2. The cluster name should be 'graylog':

  "elasticsearch": {
    "version": "7.10.2",
    "cluster": {
      "name": "graylog"

Graylog itself needs a secret for encryption and a hashed password for the root user. By default this user is called admin.

You can create the secret with this shell command pwgen -s 96 1.

The password can be generated with echo -n yourpassword | shasum -a 256 | awk '{print $1}'

  "graylog2": {
    "password_secret": "ZxUahiN48EFVJgzRTzGO2olFRmjmsvzybSf4YwBvn5x1asLUBPe8GHbOQTZ0jzuAB7dzrNPk3wCEH57PCZm23MHAET0G653G",
    "root_password_sha2": "e3c652f0ba0b4801205814f8b6bc49672c4c74e25b497770bb89b22cdeb4e951",
    "server": {
      "java_opts": "-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"

Alternatively, you can create an encrypted data bag and store the secrets there. The data should be called 'secrets' with an item 'graylog'.

knife data bag create --secret-file ~/.chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret secrets graylog

  "id": "graylog",
  "server": {
    "root_password_sha2": "<root password as sha256>",
    "password_secret": "<random string as encryption salt>"

You can take a look into the attributes file under attributes/default.rb to get an idea what can be configured for Graylog.

Node discovery

The cookbook is able to use Chef's search to find Elasticsearch and other Graylog nodes. To configure a dynamic cluster set the following attributes:

Elasticsearch discovery

  "graylog2": {
    "elasticsearch": {
      "node_search_query": "role:elasticsearch",
      "node_search_attribute": "ipaddress"

If you have multiple servers, one need to be set as a master. Use this attribute to do so:

default.graylog2[:ip_of_master] = node.ipaddress

Running behind a NAT'ed public IP

If you are running Graylog behind a NAT, you will need to forward port 9000 to the outside as well as:

  node['graylog2']['http']['external_uri']: "http://yourgraylogserver.com:9000/"

The trailing slash is necessary and Graylog won't start without it.

See the Graylog documentation for more info.


Ubuntu/Debian systems allow a user to bind a proccess to a certain privileged port below 1024. This is called authbind and is supported by this cookbook. So it is possible to let Graylog listen on port 514 and act like a normal syslog server. To enable this feature include the authbind cookbook to your run list and also the recipe recipe[graylog2::authbind] from this cookbook. By default the recipe will give the Graylog user permission to bind to port 514 if you need more than that you can set the attribute default.graylog2[:authorized_ports] to an array of allowed ports.

Development and testing

The cookbook comes with unit and integration tests for Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS. You can run them by using Rake and Test Kitchen.

Unit tests:

  $ bundle exec rake spec

Integration tests:

  $ kitchen list
  $ kitchen converge openjdk-ubuntu-2004
  $ kitchen verify openjdk-ubuntu-2004

Additionally you can verify the coding style by running RoboCop and Foodcritic.

Verify Ruby syntax with RuboCop:

  $ bundle exec rake style:ruby

Verify Chef syntax with Foodcritic:

  $ bundle exec rake style:chef


Author: Marius Sturm (marius@graylog.com) and contributors

License: Apache 2.0