


Requires GrapesJS v0.15.9 or higher


This plugin enables the usage of MJML components inside the GrapesJS environment. MJML components are rendered in real-time using the official v4 compiler (+ some mocks to make it run in the browser), therefore the result is, almost, the same as using the MJML Live Editor.


Supported MJML components (using default mjml-browser parser): mj-mjml mj-head mj-body mj-wrapper mj-group mj-section mj-column mj-text mj-image mj-button mj-social mj-social-element mj-divider mj-spacer mj-style mj-font mj-hero mj-navbar mj-navbar-link mj-raw


blocksWhich blocks to add(all)
blockAdd custom block options, based on block id.(blockId) => ({})
codeViewerThemeCode viewer theme.hopscotch
customComponentsList of components which will be added to default one[]
importPlaceholderPlaceholder MJML template for the import modal''
imagePlaceholderSrcImage placeholder source'https://via.placeholder.com/350x250/78c5d6/fff'
i18nI18n object containing language more info{}
mjmlParserCustom mjml-browser instance. Allows to extend MJML functionality or add custom MJML components(input: string | MJMLJsonObject, opt: MJMLParsingOptions) => MJMLParseResults
overwriteExportOverwrite default export commandtrue
preMjmlString before the MJML in export code''
postMjmlString after the MJML in export code''
resetBlocksClean all previous blocks if truetrue
resetDevicesClean all previous devices and set a new one for mobiletrue
resetStyleManagerReset the Style Manager and add new properties for MJMLtrue
resetDevicesClean all previous devices and set a new one for mobiletrue
hideSelectorHide the default selector managertrue
useXmlParserExperimental: use XML parser instead of HTML. This should allow importing void MJML elements (without closing tags) like <mj-image/>false
columnsPaddingColumn padding (this way it's easier to select columns)10px 0
useCustomThemeLoad custom preset themetrue



<link href="path/to/grapes.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="path/to/grapes.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/grapesjs-mjml.min.js"></script>

<div id="gjs">
      <!-- Your MJML body here -->
          <mj-text>My Company</mj-text>

<script type="text/javascript">
  const editor = grapesjs.init({
      fromElement: true,
      container: '#gjs',
      plugins: ['grapesjs-mjml'],
      pluginsOpts: {
        'grapesjs-mjml': {/* ...options */}

Or using ESM imports:

import 'grapesjs/dist/css/grapes.min.css'
import grapesJS from 'grapesjs'
import grapesJSMJML from 'grapesjs-mjml'

   fromElement: true,
   container: '#gjs',
   plugins: [grapesJSMJML],
   pluginsOpts: {
      [grapesJSMJML]: {/* ...options */}

i18n usage:

import 'grapesjs/dist/css/grapes.min.css'
import grapesJS from 'grapesjs'
import nl from 'grapesjs/locale/nl'
import grapesJSMJML from 'grapesjs-mjml'
import mjmlNL from 'grapesjs-mjml/locale/nl'

   fromElement: true,
   container: '#gjs',
   i18n: {
      // locale: 'en', // default locale
      // detectLocale: true, // by default, the editor will detect the language
      // localeFallback: 'en', // default fallback
      messages: { nl: nl },
   plugins: [grapesJSMJML],
   pluginsOpts: {
      [grapesJSMJML]: {
        // Optional options
        i18n: { nl: mjmlNL }

Using Independent mjml-browser Build

In case, you have your own version of MJML with custom or extended components, it is possible to override default mjml parser with custom one and create custom grapesJS components.

For further info how to create MJML Component, you can visit components folder or you can go to docs.

import 'grapesjs/dist/css/grapes.min.css'
import grapesJS from 'grapesjs'
import grapesJSMJML from 'grapesjs-mjml'
import customMjmlParser from 'custom-mjml-parser';

import customImage from 'custom/components/path'

   fromElement: true,
   container: '#gjs',
   plugins: [grapesJSMJML],
   pluginsOpts: {
      [grapesJSMJML]: {
        mjmlParser: customMjmlParser,
        customComponents: [


Clone the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/GrapesJS/mjml.git
$ cd mjml

Install it

$ npm i

Start the dev server

$ npm start


  1. Run npm run v:patch to bump the version in package.json and create a git tag
  2. Push the commit + new tag
  3. Go to github and draft a new release
  4. Select the new tag and add some release notes
  5. Hit publish, the release will automatically publish to npm


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