

Helping you select a MVC Framework

These days there are plenty of Frameworks that can be used to create your server side code. CakePHP, Symfony 2, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Ruby On Rails... The list keeps growing and it's not easy to make a choice on what language or what framework to choose.

The goal of this project is to demonstrate how every frameworks works with a simple example : a Blog App.

Getting Involved

Unfortunately I don't know how to work with every frameworks (impossibru !) so I need you to create the Blog App using your framework of choice (not necessary PHP Framework, you can use ruby, python, java...).

You have to create a blog app using the HTML samples inside the HTML directory : HTML demo. The app is quite simple, you can manage posts, browse posts, and submit new comments (the goal is not to create a fully featured blog, but just a sample of code)

Database structure

You can rename table and fields depending of your Framework conventions and you can even use migrations if your framework support it.


With great power, comes great routing ! (No seriously don't make the SEO guy angry)

Additional rules