Actor Locker
Simple plugin that lets you lock actor in the Level Editor so you can't move or select it.
How to install
- Download latest release for your Unreal Engine version
- Unzip into: <ProjectDirectory>/Plugins (create Plugins directory if it doesn't exist)
- If you are using C++: Right Mouse Button on your .uproject file -> Generate Visual Studio project files
- Launch project
- If it's not enabled: Go to Edit -> Plugins -> "Project" category -> Editor -> Enable "Actor Locker" and restart the editor
- Done
How to use
You can manipulate selected actor using hotkeys, World Outliner or Context Menu
Hotkeys (Default)
- Alt + Comma - Lock selection
- Alt + Period - Unlock selection
- Alt + Shift + Comma - Lock all actors
- Alt + Shift + Period - Unlock all actors
- Alt + Slash - Temporary toggle lock state of locked actors
You can change hotkeys in Edit -> Editor Preferences -> Plugins -> Actor Locker
World Outliner
You will see additional column with Lock icon. Just click on it and it will lock itself and all children as well.
Context Menu
Click Right Mouse Button on selected actors and you will see 2 additional actions in the bottom:
- Lock / Unlock selection
- Toggle lock